All in all I would say this was an amazing and easy strain to grow. Unfortunately the worst happened with my flower tent and a few of the girls cought Powder Mold. So I ended up salvaging and harvesting what I could from a few of the plants left before completely overhauling and scrubbing the tent down from top to bottom. I decided to do a dryice sift with the flowers that I saved. I had some trim left over from a past grow so I mixed everything together and Wow am I happy I did. Probably the sweetest smelling kief I've extracted. I'm glad I have more of these seeds so I will not only recommend this strain but definitely be growing it again. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the improvements I've made with the tent I'll have better results as that's what growings all about. Learning with every grow from your mistakes and trying not to let it get your discouraged cause from my experience the more issue's you come across and learn to resolve the better grower you will be.
Happy Growing