Correct, they are male stamens or "bananas".
You can not breed female seeds 100% safely from banana pollen, but you will breed hermaphrodites or plants with hermaphroditic tendencies.
At this stage and being so close to harvest, if the stamens did release viable pollen and if there were any viable pistils to land on and if there were any viable embryonic seed ovules still in any calyxes and if fertilization did take place, there would be no time to form any type of even rudimentary seeds before harvest time.
That is a lot of ifs!
You can safely leave the plant where it is, the chance of any successful pollination occurring is virtually zero.
It will not cause your other plants to do anything strange either, stamens are not a disease or cause any sort of magic transference to induce other plants to do the same thing. It is all controlled genetically (or can in some cases, be caused by severe and prolonged stress).
There is no need to "panic chop" your plant, or parts of your plant.
I would also suggest harvesting pretty soon, much longer and your plants will be close to death. At this stage they are already breaking THC down into CBD and CBN, due to a virtually stopped metabolism, giving a heavy sleepy stone with very little THC "high" remaining.
Hope this helps,...........
P.S. - If you would like to see more pictures of "bananas", go to my diary "cannabis conundrums" and in week 7 you will find them, along with other pictures of weird and wonderful things cannabis plants are capable of, including pictures of male and female primordia/pre-flowers.