Decided on a 3rd defoliation, completely separating all 24 laterals below the lowest set of fan leaves from each other and all open to light. I just got some Fox Farm Big Bloom in the mail and fed her 6 tbls/gal. 2 tbls. less then directed amount for a heavy feeding with a touch of molasses. Day 54 decided on cutting off both laterals at node 5 due to poor growth from lack off light. In doing a experiment with the 2 cuttings trying to clone them.
Our OG kush auto 5 weeks in and showing nice vigour :)
She will start to stretch soon and bud development will not be far behind :)
Will check back in in your next update :)
Best of luck my friend!
All the best
@SCSGVsDrPromeda, And things are looking great :)
Well into bloom now. Lots of budsites showing and that stretch phase should now be close to over :)
Will drop back in on the next update to check progress out :)
All the best
Hi bud nice plant loving the colour I was in the same boat as you going back 2 weeks I'm growing a kush auto will I'm on week 12 now start of second week flower if I was u I would flip 2 12/12 wait 3 4 days you will see bud coming all over the place then flip back have a look at my Blackgold auto you will see what I mean you will have a monster good luck bro