Day 9 ok so today was moving day for everyone. So I got my new exhaust in, washed my plant stands, bought some saucers to collect the runoff, and got them into their final 7G pots. Took me a lot longer then I thought it would take but it’s done. Should see a nice improvement in Creamsicle’s overall health over the coming days, as she was root bound. In fact everyone had a very nice root structure already, even the late starter Pineapple Chunk. Might of noticed another cup included in the overall tent pic. My mom is looking for some CBD and so I’m growing another Dr Seedsman plant for her and will start a journal when I see her pop, but might need to borrow my sisters tent (vegetables in her tent) to grow her out in. I’m going to be busy
@DrPeeper, yeah I’m using just the all in one Mega Crop and I think it’s version 2 of the formula because of the calcium balls. Think they made them finer in the new version and is the one nutrient that was upped a tiny bit too.