Here we are for Grow # 22 and for this one I went with something I liked so much, I felt it deserved another run, and that's FastBuds Original Auto Critical. When I grew it last time there wasn't a lot of information on it except for how long it was expected to grow and its basic genetics ( Indica or Sativa). After growing it though I found out how classic it was. I'm going to go for the same results but this time I want to have more dense buds. For those of you who aren't so familiar with the strain here's a brief description: she's a super reliable, highly resilient, and very easy to grow plant that boasts an impressive THC level close to 20%, with epic yields of easy to trim, citrus pine dense buds. Critical Auto is perfect for beginner growers and those who want abundant harvests of monster-sized yields in a short time. Fast Buds were able to enhance all the desired traits that make Critical so popular, resulting in a medium tall plant that performs incredibly well in hot climates. Despite her Indica dominance, Original Auto Critical is perfect for social scenarios and provoking creativity. The best choice for commercial growers and amazing for hash and extracts. Now before I get started with the germination process down below will be a list of the equipment I'll be using :
Hydro Planet 2x4x5 Grow Tent
1.67-Gallon Plastic Pot
Happy Frog Soil
Vivosun 300 watts Full Spectrum Grow Light
Vivosun 4" inch Exhaust Fan
Vivosun Carbon Filter
Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier
4 Desk Fans
Acurite Hygrometer
For the germination process, I went with my usual, of soaking the seed for 48- hrs before placing it in a moist paper towel that is then placed in a black container. I actually had to use a heating mat this time because I felt that the container wasn't staying warm enough. Once the seed had a taproot that was 1-2cm long the seed was placed into the soil.
I Officially started counting days on 12/12/2020. During the first few days, I just give the seedling a couple of mistings to help with the transition into the new humidity level. Then on Tuesday 12/15/2020 which is Day 4 I gave the plant 250 ml of plain water that had a ph of 6.29, then on Friday 12/18/2020, she received another 250ml of water with a ph 6.14.
I did notice during this first week that the water I was using had way too much chlorine in it and was starting to make some of my plants leaves look weird, so the way I fixed this issue was by boiling the water for 15-20 mins to remove the chlorine, then you let it cool off before giving it to your plants and there we are chlorine problem solved. I also went with a smaller pot, no reason specific just trying to see the results of downsizing pots when it comes to growing autos.
So far everything is well and I plan on keeping it that way, that's going to be all for this week, so until next week fellow growers and remember
"Happy Growing" and "Free your mind one puff at a time".
@DeaneR, You really should they grow in half the time and despite what people say they are just as strong and heavy yielding as there counterparts. This Critical is one of the strongest I've every had.
Thanks for your mention my friend, but to tell the truth it's me who has to thank you. Following you and your diaries helps newbie like me to learn new information about new strain, techniques to use, nutrition plans and general setups... so... Thank you 😘
@Newbie_01, Well your more than welcome my friend, I just know we're all here to help, so that's what I try to do, and speaking of new strains I'll be doing some more testing for a few well-known breeders here soon. SO STAY TUNED IN !!! Lol.