All in all Week 3 was pretty good. We raised the lights up just a little more (The highest they can get in the space) and it seems like the ladies are at their final height which is nice. The Domina has shot up a few inches though which is nice; hopefully she can snag some more light now!
The buds in the ladies are looking real good, I am noticing such a HUGE difference with this Bud Igniter. The Domina is a tad behind the Tut and the Snow but she's really showing the last few days of this week so she may catch up a bit. We dropped the Bud Igniter after week 2 finished and now its just the Canna, Big Bud, and Bud Factor X.
I decided to go for a week 4 haircut instead of a week 5 haircut so I have some end of Week 3 shots as well as some beginning of Week 4 haircut shots!
Hope everyone has a great week <3