The first seedling damped off due to humidity issues. RIP.
I've added a few things to help regulate things.
-Accelerooter 55 Site Floating Seed Starter Tray w/dome
-TaoTronics Cool Mist Humidifier
- Seed popped right out looking ready to grow. I saw a tiny root poking out the bottom and transplanted right away into a 2 gal. fabric pot and watered with 6.8pH until I saw water draining out the bottom.
- Second set of leaves has shown up. I've got a moisture meter in the soil to help me get a feel of when to water.
- Things are looking good. night temp gets down to 65F and humidity is staying consistent. Light is 14" away from the leaves.
- Givin about 1 L of water with 3.75 mL Big Bloom. My last 2 sourD seeds popped out of their root plugs so those girls into 3 gal pots filled with ocean forest and water with 6.4 pH @73F and I have those sharing the space. Thinking about purchasing a sf2000 really spice things up.
- 3 sour diesel are now chuggin along in my space, "Jim", "Dwight" ,and "Eloise".
Water Quality
-I learned that my tap water contains chloramine which will not evaporate so I'm fighting that with some 100% ascorbic acid using this spreadsheet and my local water quality report.