The girls aren't looking too happy, not quite sure why, maybe the combination of temps, humidity and lowering the lights? The Blumat irrigation system also stopped working, I think the dispensers for each sensor must have warped because it works fine before I connect to the distributers. Anyways, BluSoak tape on the way so that should be the end of that issue. I flipped to flower tonight so tomorrow will be day 1 :)
@haze_gino, I just use the cleanest coconut water I can find out of a bottle which ends up being trader joes or harmless harvest. Both are organic and have no other ingredients and no preservatives I am pretty sure.
@420pete, oh thank you very much… i will try the next run, but, last question, hoe did u get the coconut water…the one in bottle or straight from the coconut? and if you use a bottle one, are u not afraid about what is inside ? like some kind of sugar or something else?