
BSF Dealer's Deal XXL

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-7, 9-10
weeks 5-7, 9, 11
Moby-D XXL Auto
BSF Seeds
Growing it
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
g / plant
Reviews. Tent
Kind of small, but quality is good
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Grow Questions
Weedinhostarted grow question 4 years ago
Is it normal for the cotyledon leafs to bend down ? It is happening in all 3 plants... I'm afraid it can be an issue related to Heat... any comments ?
Leaves. Other
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes, it is completely normal. The cotyledons fold back like that to expose the meristem (growing tip). Cotyledons are not really leaves in the true sense, but more of a protective "shield" over the meristem, so it doesn't get damaged when pushing through the soil. The first "true" leaves are the ones with the serrated edges. Hope this helps,.... Organoman.
Weedinhostarted grow question 4 years ago
This is my first experience growing indoors and also growing autos. Do you guys think the Northern Lights will survive ? It will recover in some way (I don't care about lower shields) ? Or should I just end it and focus on the other two plants ? BTW, this community is amazing
Techniques. LST
1 like
OimRauschanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey Mate, How many nodes did your damsel develop before the stem snapped? Can go well but not for sure. I use to top my Autos once in a while if I'm brave enough to do it. Some like it, some don't. IMHO your damsel should have minimum 3 nodes. Before, the plant hadn't developed a root System which can handle such a Stress. For example, I topped my Gorilla Glue Auto in this actual run and she liked it. The run before I had my Moby Dick XXL from Dinafem topped and she couldn't handle it and produced Buds the size of a marble. Your Chances are 50:50 that it works out. Hope this helps a bit, good luck and happy trails for the rest of the way 🤞 Servus, Oim.
Weedinhostarted grow question 4 years ago
Today I noticed these spots in one of my plants. It doesn’t seem to be any of the usual symptoms (as far as I could check), or at least it’s not clear for me... aside from having these spots in a few leaves, the plant looks healthy... do you guys think I should be worried ?
Leaves. Color - Pale
Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Dit is naar mijn mening het tabaksmozaïekvirus of TMV. Het doet me er echt aan denken en ook omdat de vlekjes maar aan één kant aanwezig zijn. Zolang je planten buiten de plekken gezond zijn en blijven groeien, is dit allemaal gemakkelijk. Ik voeg een link toe waar alles correct wordt uitgelegd. Ik hoop dat ik kan helpen 🙂 Veel succes! 🌱
Weedinhostarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey guys, I'm writing because I have one mature plant and I'm doubting if it's a good time to start flushing it. Trichomes are starting to look cloudy, but still many are transparent. Do you think it's time to cut off nutrients ? Thanks and happy growing !
Feeding. Other
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CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
hey there weedinho, i see almost all clear trichomes so i would say you want to wait until it's closer to 80% even 90% before you start flushing. So you probably have a good ten days maybe more before you want to start your plain water no run off flush for another 2 weeks. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Weedinhostarted grow question 4 years ago
Can someone tell what nutrient is causing the burn on the leaves ? The plant is light green so probably not nitrogen... how would you feed it with biobizz ?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there, those yellow tips burn is Nutrient Burn.Personally I prefer slight tips burn.That means they have enough food.Also I can see your plant almost ready.Start giving plain water and wait for your desired trichome colour. Make her as comfortable as you can until harvest and focus on buds for pests, mold or rot.Happy growing... ✌️
Weedinhostarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey guys ! I’m running out of weed. that’s why I’m thinking on pulling forward harvest for my Critical (at least for a few small buds)for next week. I know they’ll have more effect after, but they’ll have some effect now, right ? Of course I’m considering drying (not curing) time
Buds. Other
Carrascovskyanswered grow question 4 years ago
So, I’m having the same issue lol. I’m vaping some CBD to wait for a couple weeks until I can harvest and dry them. The thing is, if you harvest them now, of course they are going to have the effect, but you are taking the chances of stressing them out and ending up with a smaller yield. I wouldn’t do it, but if you really need, choose a bud from the bottom that has more amber trichomes.
Weedinhostarted grow question 3 years ago
Time to start flush ? Based on the pistils, it looked like I should wait, however, I’m starting to see a few amber trichomes... any thoughts ? Is this two weeks from harvest ?
Buds. Other
MrMunchiesanswered grow question 3 years ago
I experimented once with the clones from the same mother doing half with a flush and half without. I found no difference in taste and strength of the dope. The only benefit of a flush I found to be saving money by not using nutrients for the last week.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 3 years ago
No need for flushing , there is no effect in doing that.. here is alink to astudy just keep on feeding her , no need to let her starve
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
The buds will ripen from top down. But if I was you I would go to straight ph water for your 2 weeks then 48 hours of total darkness, then harvest. Good luck and enjoy the harvest

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DoDrugs420week 14
Slayin it, the best of the best.
Ferencweek 4
Happy Growing @Weedinho
Carrascovskyweek 1
Hey good luck on your grow bro, I will keep a close watch on it since I am growing the same strains. I just finished growing Moby-D from BSF, and that was my first grow ever. I am now starting to grow Black Dom, Critical and Northern, check out my diaries and don’t hesitate to ask if you need any help. I’m a new grower too but sharing experiences helps a lot.
@Weedinho, Thanks bro! So I don’t think it’s water because I avoid spitting water on the leaves. And that plant was showing those stains since it sprouted. My guess is that it’s a genetic thing, because it’s not affecting growth and it’s not spreading either. I’ll start with the LST on Black Dom and Northern in a couple days. Let’s see how it goes, because I didn’t do it on my previous grow.
@Carrascovsky, just saw your second grow update... it’s going amazing !!! Congrats ! Just one comment on it... your black dom is showing some white spots... one of my plants was doing the same thing. It was solved when I stopped spraying water on the leafs... maybe that helps. About LST, on your bigger plants I’d start right away ! It worked wonders for my girls. Good luck and happy growing !
@Weedinho, Yeah, that’s the light I use, and I keep them at 40cm distance. I think 2 things affected the speed growth on my first grow. First one is the soil that I used which was poor in nutrients and I waited too long to start adding the nutrients into the water. And the second reason is that I keep my tent outdoors, which means it’s more affected by the weather, so the temperature was too low at that time. But I’m happy my new grow is growing way faster. I’m thinking about starting with the LST next week, what do you think?
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CRiSPrGrowweek 10
Hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
@Weedinho, hahaha yeah man we've all been there, patience is totally worth it though 👊
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks man ! Honestly I suspected that... maybe I was just looking for someone to tell me it's time hahahahaha I want to try my plants right now !!!
Mr_Cannab1sirweek 4
Love that LST brother, man after my own heart
@Weedinho, Some good spreads on there mate, especially the criticals. Just takes time, you get used to feeling how far you can push em, especially after you've snapped a few 😂. Just watch out as sometimes when you tie a top down it may have a growth spurt overnight and snap, happened to me one of the first times.
@@Mr_Cannab1sir, first time I do it ! I’m afraid to push them too hard
Carrascovskyweek 10
Hey bro, your plants are looking awesome! I think you should feed them for only another week or so, and then start to flush. Remember that it’s imperative that you flush them for 2 weeks, I did only one week in my previous growth, and I felt the taste could have been better with a better flush...
@Carrascovsky, great tip man !!! Thanks a lot ! I started flushing the Critical (most advanced one) this weekend... the other two still have 1 or 2 more weeks before starting flushing, right ? Today I'll upload some close up pictures of the trichomes to check their progress. Any other tips are welcomed !!! Can't wait for harvest hahahaha
NoraNLweek 3
Hi man, I noticed that you are complaining about white spots on some leaves, an answer from our friend weezy90 is anticipating mosaic virus, my experience with such spots is just a result of spraying water on the leaves which magnifies the lights on the leaves and potentially burn them. my advice that you don't worry about the virus and just stop spraying water on the leaves, the old leaves will keep such color but the new ones will look healthy. happy growing 💪
@NoraNL, hey, you know what ? Just by coincidence this week I stopped spraying them and surprise ! No more white spots. You’re absolutely right ! Thanks for the info !!!
DoDrugs420week 14
Slayin it, the best of the best.
Mrs_Larimarweek 13
She is coming to an end, looking quite good, buds will maturate more, and will provide from feeding her until day of chopchop
Carrascovskyweek 6
Hey your plants are looking awesome! Glad to see that your Moby-D is recovering, I think I’m kinda going through the same issue with my Black Dom, after I started the LST, but your advice was still very good, since the other 2 are clearly going to compensate for the smaller yield on Black Dom. But don’t give up on her, Moby-D is a great strain, it’s gonna be very rewarding if you succeed to a get a decent yield from it. Good luck parsa haha
Carrascovskyweek 5
Wow, your critical looks awesome, really bushy, that’s what I wanna see on my grow!
iHateSativaweek 14
Happy Harvest! 👍