I planted this in with a mango chutney for the 1st 14 days and wow what a mistake!! I ripped off so much roots trying to transplant them into their own pots! The leaves were going orange but I was using John Innes no1 soil and I think the nutrients in the soil had depleted from the crazy growth of roots! Put them in fresh soil and fed bio bizz to top up the nutrients as John Innes no1 is for seedlings! They really slumped for 3 days then started picking up again
@Ganjagrandaddy, thanks, she dried in 5 days so I was worried it wasn’t long enough but this is day 3 in a jar and everyday she is smelling better. Still has that green homegrown smell to her so I hope she loses it as I was so unprepared for the harvest and drying stage lol