@FlynnRyder, My biggest tip would have to be to try what I call the bush master approach. This is a process much like mainling, however you do not continually top each limb. Zikkitels will begin it's life like most hybrids of the indica dominate variety. With three nodes and 3 limbs before it puts out another 4th node in the opposite direction. I topped them all at the third node and pulled them down. But what I did with the zikkitels 1 was the bush master approach. By pulling down each limb with a piece of wire. Like that you would find in the wall outlet. Pulling them down then waiting for each limb to grow out two more nodes. Before topping each limb. All the way down to the very first node. Just keep all limbs and nodes exposed to as much light as possible. Then you will find she has become a bush in just 8 weeks. Preparing for flower for an additional 2 weeks is critical. I like to strip off all extra low fan leaves. As well as stripping all nodes from the bottom up to the top 4 nodes. This is two weeks before flower. However do not take off any larger fan leaves a third of the way up the plant. Even if some limbs or nodes are not quite exposed to light just yet. If you just let it do its thing. By tucking it under the net if needed or otherwise not at all. She will rise to the occasion and reach for the light during the stretching phase. Giving you very larger colas.
My harvest will be coming up soon. But I also have one clone and one more which I've planted from seed I'm about to feature in my next diary so stay tuned for that. Because if you have noticed they were all crammed into that small clone room for 9 weeks and given an additional week to grow and have now been in flower for a week. So progress has been made. Lol thanks for the love and happy growing friend.
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