On day 4 Pre-flower. lots of Growth this week leafs are getting nice and big.
Going to he switching to flowering nutrents in 3-4 more days.
Until then keep growing on! ✌️🥂☮️👍🍻🇨🇦
Nice! Looks like some good genetics your ladies are looking nice have alot of similarities to my grow but i think your light is out doing mine. Im thinking about buying 1 soon a marshydro or spider farmer something like that but anyways keep up the good work happy growing !!!
@Bongtokinalkoholik1605, Thank you for the kind words eh! I definitely love the Mars hydro Ts-3000 compared to HID I believe I would still choose the LED's. I would stick to top brands IMO. Mars , spider farmer ect. And do alot of research on the light you want. There are alot of false clams out there.