Day 8
The medium is still to wet to be watered again so I just loosened the arounds soil to make it more airy and easier to dry out. I did it twice a day and it seems to work well.
Day 9
Its much much dryer than before so I decided to add only 200ml/pot of my new feeding solution with following dosage:
5L of water
20ml Terra Grow
5ml Power roots
5ml Pure Zym
Regulated to Ph of 6.5
Honestly, not all of them are looking super healthy, but „ just“ with signs of deficiency and not excesses (if we dont count the water :D), which is makes me a little happier when facing my newbie moves.
Day 10
Girls showed up with first noticable signs of smell so I added the carbon filter to my tent.
I also did my first LST and since the girls are still pretty young, I decided to bend as much as possible but slowly and continually in next few days.
Day 11
Today I only re-adjusted the LST bendings and checked all my lovely girls.
#4 is having a real bad problem with Calcium. I am gonna give her extra dose of CalMag in next watering process.
Day 12
Re-adjusted LST again and checked #4 whose spots on the leaves has spread a lot.
I am gonna wait until she develops new bigger leaves and then cut the damaged ones to stop them stealing the nutrients to rest of the leaves.
Day 13
The medium got ready to water again so I went with 250ml/pot +100ml (1ml/L CalMag) extra for #4
#4 Is also very yellowish it self, so maybe also has Fe deficite which leads me to a think that I am giving her enough but she basically does not take it. I am gonna let her soil to dry out properly from now and will feed her separetly. Not only with different dosage of nutrients but mainly the different period and I will see. I only hope I will help her out. 😊
Day 14
More LST re-adjustments and I think I am getting the bend I wanted to get, which made me very happy. What doesnt not make me happy is #4 and her leaves problem that got to the next floor leaves as well so i decided to defoliate the first affected leaves as I planned. I am still thinking of possible mistake with yesterdays watering. I think I should have passed the watering of #4 to tommorow or later. I am pretty sure this is the kind of experience I have to go through to get skills and thats what i went in with.
I also checked the bottom side of each pot and found bunch of roots going through which amazed me and again filled me with happines.