NEW ViparSpectra XS4000
The discount on these new lights will not be available for too long so if you’re thinking of a new light/upgrade now is the time to buy!
The prices are awesome and the most competitive for the highest quality I’ve seen in Quantum Boards so far!
Green Buzz Liquids -
For Discount on your purchases.
If you follow my grows and see the results I’m getting since switching to Green Buzz Liquids
You must be thinking about the switch?! At least everyone I know is getting on the Organic train.
It’s a fun and environmentally friendly train! everyone on this train has the best smelling, looking and tasting herbs XD
Choo Choo
Zamnesia is a very well known online Head-shop for our massive EU community!
These guys have a huge seed selection of there own to choose from!
If You place an order with them, you always get free seeds! Depending on how much you spend you can get other goodies Too!
If you’re in EU it’s an awesome website to check out they literally have everything and shipping is Super fast.
NEW ACCOUNT get 10% on 1st ORDER!!
📆25 Feb Day 30
The plan this time is to keep the watering to the root ball where I transplanted. I want the microbiology to build up this week and work it’s way around the pot before I start using a lager amount of water next week. I’ve noticed that after using more water early on I’ve had to use more nutrients later In the growing cycle which can result in PH off balance and toxicity in the soil.
💧I watered with 500mlL.
3ml/L Humic Acid Plus
3ml/L Growzyme
4ml/L More Roots
Next time will be the 1st full soak to each of the pots.
I will be using a small amount of Grow Liquid with some CalMag.
I grew these before, very well done and good review on the smoke. I think this strain os very good to make weight fast and nice effect for beginner smokers but its not strong enough for the people who are used to heavy 25% thc weed, i let mine go to week 9 and was very sleepy weed lol, but very nice body high