I try to fertigate once a day every day at lights on which is 1700hrs
I had my Light Intensity dial set to 60% switched to 100% on the 22nd
02/18- First feeding (only watered with distilled up until now) AN MGB nutes Ph Perfect line PH-5.54 PPM-337 EC-674
02/19- Made a Liter of nutes only used 300mL/4 yesterday and then 150mL/4 today
02/20- 175mL/4 Feeding was 5.5hrs early
02/21- 175mL/4 Feeding was 3hrs late
02/22- 200mL/4 Last of the Liter from first feed. Inflow- PH-5.79 TDS-352 EC-704 Runoff- PH-6.17 TDS-208 EC-416
02/23- Made a new Liter of nutes using 1.5mL/L of AN MGB Fed 200mL/4 Inflow-Ph-5.45 TDS-447 EC-447 EC-894 G2 had the cotyledons stuck together with the seed membrane due to low humidity had to remove it. Looked like it was never gonna open and was choking the serrated leaves growing. Now it is the runt of the litter!
02/24- 275mL/4 Inflow-Ph-5.59 TDS-443 EC-886 Runoff-Ph-5.96 TDS-265 EC-530 Dropped and snapped MD1 in half, stood her back up she looks like she might be ok!