It took this one less than 24hrs to show her tap root. She's now safely tucked in her final pot. BioBizz light mix for soil, it's only a 3L pot so looking for a nice compact plant out of this.
I've been having issues with too much light for seedlings in this tent. Rather than turning the light down to lower power, I'm going to try and give this little one a bit of shade with the saucer on top of her humidity dome. Fingers crossed it'll work, her companion in the tent (my photo experiment), could do with all the light she can get, so half power would not be ideal. Let's see if I can keep them both happy 😀
Looking good 🙏🏻
Best of luck on the grow and diary 🍁🍀❤️
Great choice definitely one i would like 👍🏻
Happy growing #420 ❤️
I predict some frosty nugs ❄️