She went into preflower hard, next weeks onwards- will be flowering weeks. Day 35 she's looking good. Ppms up to 1090. No deficiency issues on this girl compared to the gelat.og girls she's actually doing quite better. Her roots are all over! White and healthy. She prays everyday with no signs of slowing down. Great plant. I'm excited to see how the flowers fill in. Learnt a lot this week about magnesium and blue spectrums (which my lights have) and mulders chart along with law of minimums. Check this stuff out it is the truth! Anyways thanks for stopping by if you did.
Temps 84-86f
Humidity 65-75%
Ppms 1090 feeding daily with no issues. She can probably take 300- 400 ppms more at max in the peak of flower for atleast 3-4 days.
DLI is steady at 32-34. Adjusting dimmer daily to make sure it doesn't jump up significantly.