Finally the temperature in the Southland is getting hot, and the vegetation is increasing in speed. The pre-mainlined plants, one blueberry, one GSC were growing strongly so I decided to trim them before it got past seven or eight nodes. Boosted them with some extra nutrients to help them recover from the stress. Kelp me Kelp You, Boomerang, and MYCO+. pH is around 7. I have thought about lowering the pH, but I am not sure I want to take the chance since I have never had to adjust pH in the past with garden plants. It so happens that I have some squash that (I believe) are iron deficient due to higher pH than they like (6.0-6.5). I will study the technique and see if the pH has evened off, after I adjusted the H2O I watered the squash with. The cutting from nine days ago, which I put in water for the house looks as good as it did when it was still attached to the plant. Today's cuttings are limp, but maybe they'll perk up.
@homerjgangia, thank you. Looking forward to hopefully having a successful grow. I put together a scrog yesterday, which was really quick and easy. I am really happy about that. I have several more strains on the way also!