Day 50 for this Sour Diesel 1 Gallon Pot Autoflower! It is doing amazing IMO! This thinghas tons of orange hairs, is stickier, stinkier and thickening everyday! I'm so impressed with this particular strain auto so far! The stock is thick, branching is nice but had low foliage originally and for the little I did it has more bud sites than I expected. I am super excited to watch these continue to roll on towards finish!
Nutrients bumped up to nearly half the recommendation of the fox farm tiger bloom.
5ml big bloom/5ml tiger bloom/1.25ml bio root/1.25 ml Cal mag PER GAL (every other watering. Around 2-3 x per 7 day week it receives a nutrient feed vs water only or water with bio root and calmag only, etc etc. This is just under 1/4 gallon each time approximately 1/5th of a gallon. This provides some run off depending on watering technique maybe 10% average run off. Run off average 6.0-6.1 pH I water between 6.2-6.7 typically and make it different each watering by atleast .1 for the sake of full nutrient intake! Thanks and stay tuned!
@CroNiCGman,thanks dude I saw some cool rolling trays on this app and I immediately had me searching. Hopefully I can find some more cool trays in the future. They will make the diaries ✌️