
*6/2 Light* - Summer Strawberry Lemonade

Approved by Barney's Farm
3 years ago
Budbox 120x120 - Pro
Room Type
weeks 5
weeks 5-10
weeks 6, 9-10
weeks 6-15
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
12 L
Pot Size
Strawberry Lemonade
Barney's Farm
Growing it
This girl had a hard start all through my own doing and still survived!!! :) Hardy strain and would recommend it for any grower at any skill level.
The Outcome
Week 15
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
plant / m²
watt / m²
Reviews. Nutrient
Trace Mix - used this as a half strength preventative and had no issues. Nothing deficient or overdosed so all good there! Rhizotonic - Expensive and heavily diluted! Have just as good results with Katana roots, if not better!
*Probably* not needed as most Hydro feeds are chelated anyway but can't not help ensuring the plant gets what it needs in the right way...No defs during the main grow so looks like it did its job!
No root root and water did hit the mid 20's in the tank a few summer days. Looks like it got their 1st and out-competed the root rot which is what this needs to do and is for so A+
Their stuff is killer for the price!!! Still don't know if the PK is doing anything but the Kush grow some serious decent cola's and well stacked.
Was looking a preventative Ca/Mg supplement with no Nitrogen in it and this is the ticket. No defs during the grow so cant complain there!!!
Great results from this. Easy used. PBT can leave a brown residue everywhere but...Everything is bigger this grow with generally same conditions as last grow (3/4 of the plants had a relatively hard start this grow so started at a disadvantage to the last one that was faultless at the start). Worked from a feed chart I built before even buying the stuff!!! Wouldn't not go anywhere near Botanicare's strengths (EC2.8 in flower...mental!!!) Run more like 60% of what they recommend and adjust if deficient (which nothing was this grow).
*Probably* not needed as most Hydro feeds are chelated anyway but can't not help ensuring the plant gets what it needs in the right way...No defs during the main grow so looks like it did its job!
Nitroyme...great in the veg stage to get the plants uplifting nutes well. Ran as a foliar once weekly and stopped once flower sets began. Moved to Sumo Active then to take up the mantle Aquaburst does what it says on the tin...leaves soaked up foliar feeds in beading and no "lensing" as I did spray lights on.
Seems to do its job dechlorinating. Was running Great White and had no root root. Tap water wouldnt be strong enough to kill Pythium but likely would a direct dosing of Great the GW seemed to survive, the Ecothrive did its job! :)
Reviews. Lamp
Great MH bulb and good value for money. 2nd outing of this bulb and still kicking great! Plants stayed low and very green
2nd Outing of this bulb...Plants were stretchier this time. Wouldn't have expected that but great flowering bulb...Bright as the sun and gets them going. No issues going direct from a 6/2 to a 12/12 using this.
The Nugg Froster...buds were twinkling like stars under this for 2 weeks! Defs gets the sparkles out!!! :)
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
xbrico xbrico
3 years ago
The girl got put through her paces at the start but pulled through. Looks like some Nice, hefty nuggs is coming of this one! Will get some dried and trimmed pics up in 10 days or so!!! :)
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xbricocommentedweek 153 years ago
** Update ** - trying a flush. Not pure tap water but close. Added 60ml pure blend tea, 50ml active boost, 50ml fulvic and 50ml Sensizym to a 50L tank. Probs add 5ml ATA Clean just to start to cleaning process too. Last days now!!! :)
Ferenccommentedweek 134 years ago
6/2 is nice @xbrico
xbricocommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, It was very good for the veg stage, I have to say. The Wedding Cake that went into it native has been as strong as an ox. No issues, not even a stretch with massive leaves...the Pink Kush and Strawberry Lemonade did go 18/6 for a week or 2 before I went 6/2 for heat management (I will do all grows going forward 6/2 btw) and they were stretchy on the flip.
Ferenccommentedweek 124 years ago
Happy Flowering @xbrico
GMSgrowscommentedweek 153 years ago
Yeah...The frost looks sweet. I wish I had the camera that I sold a few yrs back... Great grow my friend...
xbricocommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, Much appreciated. They're coming down tonight or tomorrow night. Camera = Samsung S21...I wouldnt know how to use a real camera!!! :)
hillmancommentedweek 84 years ago
Man Your nute chart tells me you´re an alchimist :-))) !!!
hillmancommented4 years ago
@xbrico, bro I believe You. Great minds think alike :-))) !
xbricocommented4 years ago
@@hillman, Dude, no joke...pre-planned it 3 months in advance before I had even bought the nutes. I was pretty spot on with the numbers (give or take maybe 1-2 ml for ease. This week should have been Base 80, Grow 32 and Bloom 64 but the round down and up on the grow/bloom just a bit easier hitting the number in the grad cylinders!!!) and hitting the EC's i expected. Have an excel calc made up for the kind range now myself! :) and happy to see they are growing well and are showing no signs of burn or deficiency from the plan! Tank change tonight...they drinking at least 5L a day now the 4 of them so this is the highest EC they receive this week (unless I go against what I was thinking of doing and adding a PK9/18 booster in on week 4 which will spike them up some more).
GMSgrowscommentedweek 124 years ago
Maybe increase your ph to 6.2 or 6.3 now if you haven't already done so. Looking good...
xbricocommented4 years ago
@GMSgrows, Using a Torus Hydro in the tank...I set it to 6 and it auto swings the pH between 5.8 to 6.2 so as the plant can get what it needs as it needs it. Dont know if I should go with the very light feed plan this coming thursday (Still have this weeks stuff to upload, about to do it now) or go with the Shogun Dragon Force. 2-3 of the plants flowers hairs have all contracted and looking like on the last stage of ripening while the Strawberry Lemonade still got some white hairy flowers!
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 94 years ago
Muito bom, espero que tenhas uma boa colheita :) E boa sorte amigo.
xbricocommented4 years ago
@Grow3rPT, Cheers buddy. Much appreciated. You too if you have one on the go! :)
DevilsBudcommentedweek 153 years ago
Congrats on your harvest enjoy 👍👍
Vio_La_Growcommentedweek 153 years ago
Looking good and progressing very nicely !! Good luck with the grow ! Please feel free to check out/show love on some of my recent grows (Tropicana cookiez/Venom OG/Banana Mango ) Also… I have a lots of growing tips on my profile page (comments section)
GMSgrowscommentedweek 134 years ago
Their getting there....
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 134 years ago
Nice work, looks great !!! I wish you good results !!! See my reports and leave your opinion in the comments 😉
GMSgrowscommentedweek 114 years ago
Looking good my man...😎
Lacrimacommentedweek 74 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
OrganicNature420commentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck on the grow 🍁🍀❤️ .. Great choice 👍🏻 Happy growing 420 Stay safe 😷 I predicted some frosty nugs ❄️
DoDrugs420commentedweek 153 years ago
Holy, that's some serious Strawberry Lemonade!
xbricocommentedweek 104 years ago
Edit - Added PK Warrior in the end, but very little compared to recommended...added at 0.2ml/L as opposed to the 0.5-1ml/L (1ml/L usually used the 1st week [week 4] and then 0.5 for the following 3 weeks).