so, i tied down the plants again at the beginning of entering flower. this is their 2nd week in flower. well dos is dos 33 is a week behind. they are stretching well. i even cleaned up the underneath of the mimosa evo and put all the clippings into the auto cloner.
i have been using aurora nutrients. i also use earth dust so i don't need anything else but i like to experiment. everything is on cruise control right now really. i have other plants in the tent. (jolly rancher gelato clones and somango clones) the jolly ranchers wont be stretching anymore. they dont really get very tall. stays small. the somango I'm not sure. i think they will keep up with the M.E. and DsD33. i cant wait to start seeing the little budlets forming.
i hope the room in the tent will be adequate. i have trellis if i need it.
I'm having issues with high humidity. the tent is a 2x4x6 with a 4in inline exhaust. i need to upgrade to the 6 inch to beat this humidity issue. i have tent open during the days and the rooms dehumidifier running next to the tent. keeps it at 40-50. tent closed its 55-65% so i try and keep it open when i can. until i get new exhaust. i hope soon before these buds form.
turn on, tune in, & drop out.