The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

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33 Photos participating
a year ago

Let's go! Another round of funny memes for February!



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SmokingTikicommenteda year ago
@Fastbuds, @Growdiaries Hello, could you please set up the contest so we can enter more than one meme? Thanks!
m0usecommenteda year ago
Memes are up for vote. @Professor_Chaos vs @Stacy_smokez @valiotoro vs @GoldenWeedGrower @m0use vs @MrHightimes @SmokingTiki vs @DogDoctorOfficial Be sure to check out their Instagram too vote & see vote totals 2nd round will be the winners from the first round against each other. 2v2 3rd round will be two winners from 2nd round for 1st and 2nd place, both losing memes fight for 3rd Good Luck!
Nicogreencommenteda year ago
@m0use, so clohse this time :(
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
@m0use, Thanks For always sharing the love and the news my friend 💚💚💚 growers love and have a blessed day 💚💚💚
m0usecommenteda year ago
@valiotoro, just gotta vote once a day for 3 days. I don't watch the totals as they fluctuate. to much.
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amicommenteda year ago
m0usecommenteda year ago
1st off, congrats to winners. Nice work. 2ndly, I noticed some weird stuff with meme voting. Could be my own perspective but happened a few months now. Normally this contest starts off right but ends weird and IDK if its just me or if others have noticed it. 1st Round) 8 users going (1v1) 4votes = 4 winners a 50% reduction. 4 winners move on, 4 eliminations. 2nd Round) 4 winners go head to head in a (1v1) 2votes = 2 winners and 2 losers = 50% reduction, 2 winners move on and 2 losers move on, no eliminations. 3rd Round) 2 winners from 2nd round go 1v1 for 1st and 2nd place, the 2 losers from 2nd round go 1v1 for 3rd = 25% reduction, 3 winners final results, 1 loser eliminated. This adds up, I can understand and follow this. However for the last two months I have seen a meme win popular vote in both 1st and 2nd rounds of voting only to be featured as going for 3rd place and not 1st or 2nd. I can't tell if this is because when I vote on Instagram it locks in the vote totals from when I clicked and does not do live updates when I review to story or if FastBuds is in error?? From my observations this month. I won 1st and 2nd round of votes with a big lead on 2nd round when I looked. 40% them 60% me. however I noticed my meme was going for 3rd and not 1st or 2nd, in 3 round of voting, so it does not add up to me, a disconnection somewhere, either on my end or theirs. It was a tight race for 3rd place, votes averaging out at 50% them and 50% me, Must have been a tight margin if the percentages did not move. Best to keep and eye on the voting system. I asked FastBuds about this and did not hear back yet, but wanted others to remain vigilant as contests should be held to the highest standards. Maybe I'll get lucky next month. ***UPDATE*** Fastbuds got back to me on Instagram and showed me the results, it is 100% a Instagram error and not displaying the correct voting total once my vote was cast. Funny little app. Cheers,
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Dabking, your meme was not featured on the Instagram vote. Fastbuds does not show all of the memes that are uploaded only 8 at time of voting, that is the single biggest bias of this contest, you first need to make the cut from a arbitrary rule set of who ever runs this contest. Maybe they will like it one month and not the next. The best way to get featured is making memes PG 13 and kinda dumb IMO. I love crude raw dark humour but none of them ever make the cut.
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Dabkingcommenteda year ago
@m0use, I do not have Instagram but can you tell me how my "when the meme starts to herm, it is ma'am" meme did?
Based_Budscommenteda year ago
@Dabking 😂 I live right by the GameStop where that DUDE lost his shit. Mental illness runs deep in Albuquerque.
Professor_Chaoscommenteda year ago
@Based_Buds, Based 👑
Dabkingcommenteda year ago
@Based_Buds, Glad you like it. That video is one of my favorites. Took awhile to find part of the video into a screenshot that would fit the captions. Hopefully I at least get top 3. But the pablo escobar one is funny too because it's so true. Waiting and waiting.
ChitownCannaChicacommenteda year ago
Only one entry this month? Thought we could do three?? More GD errors?
m0usecommenteda year ago
@ChitownCannaChica, I think so, it was fixed last month and more then one could be added shortly after the contest rolled out. Seems FastBuds and GrowDiaries are very busy and don't have much time to fix stuff on the fly. FastBuds alone has like 3 contests with high stakes prizes that are unresolved from the summer and nov/dec. 1000$ cash prize and 2x PS5's Ppl still waiting on stuff from nov/dec contests outside of the big ones as well. Kinda a hot mess.
Dunnruss63commenteda year ago
Good luck !!! Happy growing!!!
Art_Genetix_Teamcommenteda year ago
We all love FAST BUDS and MEMES - good luck !!
Dabkingcommenteda year ago
Good luck, I checked out some of your plants and they look amazing. Keep it up
OrganicCultivationcommenteda year ago
Awesome! Best of luck everyone.
MrHightimescommenteda year ago
😍😍😍😍😍BTW Fastbuds! I LOVE THE NEW DARKMODE! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
Congratulations to all participants and to all the winners, especial one to @valiotoro , my friend i am super super proud of you, you did an amazing job getting like, i know that because i was also like you on the move , super honorad to lose to you, not fun wen there is no real competition and no "fight" to the gold thank you buddy well done and thank you @Fast_Buds for this honor and for all you guys do for the community growers love you all and once again conflagrations to all the winners and participants 💚 💚 💚
valiotorocommenteda year ago
@DogDoctorOfficial, pouaaah one hour before the end it was 50% 50%!!what happen if its a draw??we share the gift?😂thank you my friend thank you fast buds & congrats to the winner 👏😎
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DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
Best of luck guys 💚💚💚 there is some truly funny ones well done 💚💚💚
m0usecommenteda year ago
Hey Yall' Looks like GD did not put this contest on the main page and I don't think anyone knows about it, I only found it by looking at the thumbnails in existing contests. Wonder how many others are like this. Best Of Luck!
Based_Budscommenteda year ago
Why is it ALWAYS the SAME PEOPLE winning these contests?! I’m done entering my memes to this farce.