The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Multiple entries allowed
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

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69 Photos participating
6 months ago

Get ready for some September laughs! Join our monthly meme contest and share your best Fast Buds-themed meme to celebrate the start of fall.

Show off your creativity for a chance to win!



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m0usecommented6 months ago
Memes are up for vote. @PenguPoop vs @BudBeezy @Roman_4_20 vs @ChitownCannaChica @GreenHarvest_Official vs @m0use @Mo_Powers vs @SmokingTiki Be sure to check out their Instagram too vote & see vote totals 2nd round will be the winners from the first round against each other. 2v2 3rd round will be two winners from 2nd round for 1st and 2nd place, both losing memes fight for 3rd Said this last month and it holds true Edit in one of their reps for extra points to get featured into the final rounds. Seems that's a good way to get into the final 8 for voting. Good Luck!
GreenHarvest_Officialcommented6 months ago
Good Luck all. (Unless its already over, in that case we'll see who the winners are soon) 😎
Fast_Budscommented6 months ago
Hi all! Quick update on voting, our IG account was recently shut down, so we will give it a few days to see if we can get it back. If after a few days, we don't get the account back, we will either use a different social media platform to finish the voting, OR we will vote amongst the Fast Buds team for this month. Apologies for the delay in the winners announcement.
m0usecommented6 months ago
@Fast_Buds, aw looks like its down again, that sucks :( hope you find a workaround,
Fast_Budscommented6 months ago
@m0use, Yeah I think we may actually get it back... keep an eye out!
m0usecommented6 months ago
@Fast_Buds, good luck! I can see your official page but it only has 4 posts on it. So maybe thats a good start.
BudBeezycommented6 months ago
What happend to the fastbuds insta acc? Did Instagram ban again for no reason ?
m0usecommented6 months ago
@BudBeezy, I think so. Just saw this now when trying to check if new vote was up.
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
Dude fast buds IG is gone!
m0usecommented6 months ago
@MindFlowers68, Its been banned before, they may get it back.... They also lost their telegram channel. Socials do not like weed accounts.
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SmokingTikicommented5 months ago
Hey @Fast_Buds, I thought we couldn't use the same entry several times. When do you consider two entries to be the same? Because the first place of this month is really similar to this first place from one year ago It's also the same person who made the two memes. Do you check if the instagram accounts that vote are legit or if it's not always the same group of people voting for the same person? The winner of this month already won 7 months out of the 12 last months including 4 first places. I'm not judging the memes here because I know that people tastes are subjectives and that there is no perfect way to vote for this kind of contest. I'm not on Instagram so I cannot have a full picture of the situation, but this person is the only one who win that much which seems a bit odd to me, that's why I'm asking. And congrats to the winners👍
SmokingTikicommented5 months ago
@ChitownCannaChica, Hi, to me the concept is the same in both of your memes but I'm not the judge so my opinion doesn't matter here. I don't insinuate anything because I have no proof so it would be stupid. You have quite a lot of followers on Instagram and you won a lot lately. It's a bit unlikely to win that much that's why I was asking. But unlikely doesn't mean impossible so I guess you are just better than everyone here in doing memes and I just have to deal with it haha. So, congrats on your win and see you next month 😎
m0usecommented5 months ago
@Fast_Buds, Are their other things that disqualify memes from the top 8 picks? copywrites? or verbiage that get it x'd?
ChitownCannaChicacommented5 months ago
@SmokingTiki, the beetlejuice movie just came out and it was on my mind. Different concept. I don’t solicit votes if that’s what you are insinuating. I’ve lost plenty of months
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PenguPoopcommented7 months ago
Guys and Womans, remember! Its 420 somewhere and FastBuds got a new Logo!
m0usecommented7 months ago
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PenguPoopcommented7 months ago
@Newt_Loop, Give it some Time. I never felt the US Flag on the old one, which was even also a pretty simple Logo.
Newt_Loopcommented7 months ago
@PenguPoop, I personally think the new logo was a fail, old one was much nicer and why change something everyone knows and loved. Stickers and merch won't look as nice. What does an upside down 42 even mean? Can only imagine what they paid the person to make it.
m0usecommented7 months ago
All great entries @SmokingTiki
SmokingTikicommented7 months ago
@m0use, Hey, thank you! I hope the Fast Buds Instagram community will share your opinion haha
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
My favs are the Mrgrowbond, Naujas, and smokingtiki lol
Cheagle_Mama420commented6 months ago
Funny stuff. LOVE the owl / the dunking in a grinder! :))))
m0usecommented6 months ago
Interesting, the new update has seemed to add a bunch of flawed metrics to users profiles. like how many harvests they have done and "favourite" brands for things. They are all off and not reflective of true favourites just based on what you grew. Not really a individuals user opinion. This resent update also seemed to kill any of the "approved by" status on older diaries by various breeders, plus I've noticed any comments made on my profile have been screened and many of them are now gone, but how they picked what ones to keep and what ones not to keep are beyond me. I'm sure their is more issues just not identified yet, still curious what it solved though... gotta stop adding lipstick to this shiny turd.