
Join Now
  • confirm account via email
  • registration must be at least 3 months ago
  • must have at least 1 public diary with completed harvest
  • start actively answering Grow Questions
  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month December 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
39 Growers participating
in 13 days

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


Latest Comments

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AsNoriucommented9 days ago
it looks like GD brought lovely presents, hopefully platform will sort other issues too. Respect !
gottagrowsometimecommented9 hours ago
To everyone, including those I may not see eye to eye with, I hope that as a community, we can make next year better for all of us, including @Growdiaries. They need to take responsibility and implement decisions, much like the new rules for GOTM. Although it's a bit late, we need more of this kind of initiative. I could go on about various issues, but that's not my main point. I wish the team and everyone else a wonderful Christmas, no matter where you are or how you choose to celebrate. GD should be a space where we can come together and have fun, and it is. I don't complain as much as I used to because I recognize that things are what they are, including our community. Hopefully, we can improve in the coming year. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone! (🤮 "I know", but I truly mean it!)
Krisiscommented10 days ago
Updated rules. Niccce
AsNoriucommented9 days ago
@Krisis, i would update , that you can't ask question without attached diary. That way platform would get more spent time, quality of answers could be better with wider information and there wouldn't be any cherry picking .... its stupid to create "reward" system ( any help is reward in my mind ) , when only two parts ( platform and adviser ) invest time and person in need does least of all ....
Hashycommented10 days ago
@Krisis, nice thats better rules.
AsNoriucommented9 days ago
it looks like GD brought lovely presents, hopefully platform will sort other issues too. Respect !
m0usecommented9 days ago
Ha some new rules. Nice work @Growdiaries Got the blank profiles covered and new accounts. Wonder how well they will check if they only have one diary with its legitimacy. Also curious if the questions asked in the month of said contest are the only ones that count toward totals. Don't need no older questions counting from a burner account that was hidden.
001100010010011110commented5 days ago
Just need a few more comments from mrsour and crew (real or figments) to foment chaos.
modmyplantscommented2 days ago
001100010010011110commented2 days ago
@modmyplants, tough to know but mildly entertaining to guess. It's better to perceive their posts like teachers from the Peanuts comic strip...
modmyplantscommented2 days ago
@001100010010011110, the evil twin
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AsNoriucommented6 days ago
best 40 mins this year !!! ;)))) MUST SEE ALL !!! ;)))) have fun !
Papa_Tcommented5 days ago
@AsNoriu, I saw a comment about that in the comments of the video. I wouldn’t have paid 800 dollars to watch that.
AsNoriucommented6 days ago
@Papa_T, i never was in NFT, but here you had to buy one for 800usd to have access to see and part ownership of this cartoon. Now somehow its free on youtube without any copyright ... I watched with pleasure and a spliff, though maybe others want to see it too ;)
Papa_Tcommented6 days ago
@AsNoriu, I didn’t know I needed this in my life.
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Papa_Tcommented8 days ago
Loving the new rules GD.
m0usecommented2 days ago
🍿🍿🍿 Also how is mrsour420 on the board. they don't have one public diary with a harvest? Looks like the contest is still broken lol.
Krisiscommented8 days ago
Wonder how that chicken dinner tastes now
Krisiscommented7 days ago
@MrSour420, If I was looking for one I definitely wouldn’t travel that far to get it, but thanks for the rec
AsNoriucommented8 days ago
@Krisis, person you have in mind misses few photos and 5 minutes of work max to troll event again ...
MrSour420commented8 days ago
@Krisis, If your looking for a good chicken dinner they have one at the Pearson International Airport. Highly recommended by the CBSA.
001100010010011110commented2 days ago
Spamming comments over 6 hours. Just stewing over shit of which you have no control, lol. This guy probably has a compulsion to flip the light switch on and off 5 times while making a clicking noise everytime he enters a room.
001100010010011110commented2 days ago
MrSour420commented2 days ago
@001100010010011110, No spam Nobodybuds replies to content that the poster posted. Then he deleted it .
MrSour420commented2 days ago
@GrowDiaries @Fast_Buds these are the people that represent your brands. Bunch of scammers that give bad grow advice and you enable them. Fix the problem!
gottagrowsometimecommented3 days ago
GO @Ninjabuds, you may still get last months prize if they apply the new rules.
AsNoriucommented3 days ago
@Ninjabuds, i just explained why point drop happens. I was trolled from win once . Saw many who chwated and got deleted. No personal, just info
AsNoriucommented3 days ago
@Ninjabuds, means either you been trolled by some idiots and theirs account was banned or you cheated with fake accounts ( creating questions) and soon you will be banned too ...
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MrSour420commented2 days ago
MrSour420commented2 days ago
BIYEI BIYEIstarted grow question 29 minutes ago Alguien que me apoye a resolver este problema trate bajando los nutrientes pero noto que no existe mejoria alguna, noto ese problema desde el final de la 2da semana de vegetacion, la verdad no habia prestado atencion ya que las hojas se estaban desarrollando de forma normal. BIYEI BIYEI Open Week 4 Leaves. Color - Yellow like Complain Translate Answer advice MrSour420 MrSour420answered grow question a minute ago Ninjabudsanswered grow question 15 minutes ago Hello there I would start with check the run off water ph level when you water (water that comes out the bottom the pot) If there's a.problem with the soil flush soil. If soil is acidic flush with regular tap if soil is alkaline then flush with water ph to 6 or slightly lower If you have no soil ph problem and you say you have been giving rhe bare minimum amount of nutrients then I would say you most likely need to up the nutrients make sure to have something rich in nitrogen Ya do as he says lmao. He knows what he is talking about flush your soil! ROFL!!!! like Remove Translate modmyplants modmyplantsanswered grow question 5 minutes ago I Think you have a wrong pH in your medium. When i experienced on a hermie, i had this problem when feeding my plant 10 pH water. Also your plant looks exhausted, did you transplant her? Otherwise check temperature, light, RH and how wet the soil is, could be overwatered. Something is way off, like Complain Translate Ninjabuds Ninjabudsanswered grow question 17 minutes ago Hello there I would start with check the run off water ph level when you water (water that comes out the bottom the pot) If there's a.problem with the soil flush soil. If soil is acidic flush with regular tap if soil is alkaline then flush with water ph to 6 or slightly lower If you have no soil ph problem and you say you have been giving rhe bare minimum amount of nutrients then I would say you most likely need to up the nutrients make sure to have something rich in nitrogen like Complain Translate Someone who supports me in solving this problem tried to lower the nutrients but I notice that there is no improvement, I have noticed that problem since the end of the 2nd week of vegetation, the truth was that I had not paid attention since the leaves were developing normally. Translated into English, ROFL
001100010010011110commented7 days ago
@Hashy go Brách
001100010010011110commented6 days ago
@Hashy, Uh-huh... nudge, nudge; wink, wink.
Hashycommented7 days ago
@001100010010011110, I'm not competing.
Newt_Loopcommented11 hours ago
To bad they have to be attached to diaries, I would be winning right now Well maybe 🤣 Does not matter though, just happy to help 👍
Newt_Loopcommented9 days ago
If your answers are selected before you enter the contest, will they still count when you join the contest as long as it's in the same month? Example, Say you have answers that were selected on Dec 2 and you join the contest on Dec 5, do the answers from the 2nd count toward your total or only the answers from the time you join the contest forward count?
AsNoriucommented9 days ago
@Newt_Loop, getting a point automatically was enrolling you to list, now they updated event, i can't guarantee it. Joining was never putting into list anyways, only selected answers did.
MrSour420commented8 days ago
New rules change nothing.
MrSour420commented4 days ago
@modmyplants, You will be there and there is no where to hide. Looking forward to it.
modmyplantscommented5 days ago
@m0use, od yeht sey, sinep
modmyplantscommented5 days ago
@MrSour420, ой, иди нахуй. доебался чет.
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MrSour420commented2 days ago
He keeps deleting his shit. Funny thing is i have it all in the dm's he sends.
MrSour420commented2 days ago
Ninjabuds deleted his comments and ran like a chicken. He knew he contacted me and i also told him to STFU and get lost. Then he contacted me again days later. Coward!
MrSour420commented2 days ago
@Ninjabuds, So you make a diary to post our conversation and only post a small piece. Why don't you post all of it? Oh it shows you contacted me first and i told you to STFU and get lost. Then you contacted me days later again. Tell me where im wrong. @GrowDiaries am i wrong?
MrSour420commented2 days ago
@Ninjabuds, Harassment isn't stating the truth. How about know what your talking about. @GrowDiaries tell everyone who contacted who. Did i contact Ninjabuds or did he contact me?