The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
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  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month May 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
76 Growers participating
10 months ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners



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Hempy_The_Kidcommented10 months ago
Been awhile since I've been here. Glad to see the comments are still good for a laugh. Good luck growers.
Nicogreencommented10 months ago
@Hempy_The_Kid, præcis det sådan det skal være. IKKE NOGET SOMHELST MED SVINE HINANDEN TIL. Men her hjælper stort set alle, og med et smil på læben. 😉. GOD sommer .
AsNoriucommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, ????? You about me still waiting for high quality seeds ? ;))))
00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, subtle.. respectful.. wouldn't expect anything less, LOL
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
Let’s try this again shall we 😂
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, thanks. Going to try my best.
gottagrowsometimecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, GL pal. Hope u take 1st place
LSchnabelcommented9 months ago
Did you notice the timer hit zero last night, now it’s back up to three days? @m0use
m0usecommented9 months ago
@BudXXXs, mk.. well again. I will ask for the 40th time. where is your proof? I have tons of interactions with you being a troll. Just look at your activity feed, you love tracking me across the site and talking shit about me. Its like your my Ex or something lol.
m0usecommented9 months ago
@AsNoriu, so the troll knows the rep by name. just more information pointing to a reincarnation of an older banned account or someone hiding behind a burner. Maybe I should donate the prize to them and then get Fast buds to reference check their address to see who it is. Its not like that data hasn't been leaked before.
m0usecommented9 months ago
@AsNoriu, one can only hope, and this place is where hope goes to die..... so....
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00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
My devious plan is coming together... I've withdrawn 4 times so far this month in hopes of a scandalous placement in the contest through my ingenious method of cheating! I'm working toward a memory overflow error that will lead to 2,147,483,647 solutions. Muahahaa... Muahahahah! Some say I am insane for putting this much effort into cheating a contest for a few pennies worth of seed, some stickers only a 4-year old should enjoy, and some other useless swag. I care not for such intelligent and rational conclusions. "They" just don't get it.
m0usecommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, I'm hit Complain and report your profile for religious undertones and trying to convent me. bahahhha lets see how long this one lasts you. 👹
00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
@m0use, What are you going to do brother, when the Lord Xenu comes for you! Unnnnggghhhh!
m0usecommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, is this part of being a Scientologist? make it make sense!
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m0usecommenteda year ago
Lets see some cheating! Then withdraw from the contest immediately so you can't win or hold a top spot but are still someone how cheating...and winning.... lol
m0usecommenteda year ago
@00110001001001111O, You're so brave for tolerating all this. You should get a gold metal just for participation in existing. lol
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00110001001001111Ocommenteda year ago
@m0use, 😬 The list of accusations and insults has increased. I cheat. I'm mistrusted. I'm disliked. I'm a cunt. LOL.. the guy has been obssessively commenting on my diary. Some kind of stalker that grows seedy weed. I've heard of body dysmorphia, but he's a poster child for bud dysmorphia.
LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
@m0use, lol, always something with this contest I’ve learned. 😂
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m0usecommented10 months ago
JUST AN FYI, The host for GOTM in Dec 23' has failed to deliver their prize and is now AWOL when trying to get answers out of them. @GrowDairies @Art_Genetix_Team This company has failed to provide the 1st place price for GOTM Contest they hosted in Dec 23' and is still an ongoing issue with them. ** I WOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY FOR QUESTIONABLE GENETICS ** They have piss poor communication skills and lack any organization. Do not have credibility or long standing reputation. No one should have to follow up weekly to get any information out of a company for basic shit like a tracking number only to be told to be "grateful". Meanwhile they dropped the ball and did not start shipping anything to any contestants till mid March from a contest that ended in end Dec23/ early Jan24. On top of this they had all the information available to them and then just lost it and had to start all over again, they did not provide any updates till it was to late so we all waiting for something and 1 month later get a message saying opps. To make up for it we will give you extra seeds,,, Don't forget when they launched this contest their web page was worse then a geocities edit from a grade 9 high schooler in the late 90's then it got upgraded after the fact to something that looks like its trying to wow people with fancy graphics like a cereal box with a toy in it. The lack of organization and communication skill clearly show they do not know how to run a company or uphold any obligations they have with @GrowDiaries regarding contests they agreed to be a part of. The prizes sent out are not gifts they are your responsibilities to fulfill. If you choose to break that trust in that then you should not be allowed on this platform to advertise your products, The community should know how you conduct yourselves so they can avoid any potential outcomes like this. When you fuck up a package and do not send it correctly for international shipping it is on you to fix that, not for the client, you should also be trying to find out what went wrong to prevent it in the future. One email every 2-3 weeks is not a great turn around for active communication with only part of the subject/questions addressed. Whoever they hired that goes by the Name Diego is the main source of these problem. Mild language barriers and a strong disconnect on what customer service is. I would not trust this company with any money let alone to send you the seeds you ordered, If they can't do that for a contest on a Cannabis Growing Site can they do it at all? its public facing... How they thought this was an acceptable outcome is beyond me. The way they conduct themselves is paramount on site like this and they failed hard. TL:DR = Garbage Company, Shit Service, No Credibility or Reputation, Poor Problem Solving Skills, Failure To Uphold Their Obligations In A Contest. Can Not Communicate Adequately Or In A Timely Manner. Likely A Flashy Reseller Jacking Up Prices For While Label Seeds Purchased In Bulk. You Can Do Better. Stick with known breeders who have a trusted platform established.
m0usecommented7 months ago
@BerrySweetHigh, LOL your back? Jesus how is a 3month old comment bring out all the shit? You've been looking at someones actively feed like a weird little creep haven't you.,,
00110001001001111Ocommented7 months ago
@m0use, 🍿🍿🍿🍿 - four out of four popcorn review on this thread.
m0usecommented7 months ago
@Art_Genetix_Team, LOL did you really reply to a 3 month old comment on a contest page that you are not even a host of??? What is wrong with you BAHAHAHAHHA, high school drama, or boomer energy, about the same thing, should expecting nothing less from you but dam you did surprise me. Best go on your Facebook group and bitch about "Bethany" to the whole neighbourhood, drink a big bottle of wine while doing it. lol god dam, you must be a real special person IRL. I know I'm a bitch on this platform and critical. Its mostly because if I am going to be a free advertising board for any brand they better have their shit together... hint hint This speaks so loudly its yelling, YOU ARE A BRAND, not a person, represent yourself accordingly. I have worked in office where employees do shit like this and wreck the image of the company in public for all to see and they get fired ASAP. Its like drunk driving in a company car. Hit someone or belittle someone in the street and see how far that gets you. You took the time out of your day to lazily go back and find some older comments then call me out on it while being the face of a whole company. Bravo lol. Its so bazaar, I really wonder what was going through your head a the time of the comment and how many reiterations you went through. Why not just use a burner account? again so fucking weird and not professional in the slightest, and all for me, glad I was still in your mind. Also shit reply to Hashy, FastBuds a real host and distributor populates their limited releases, They want people to see it and know about it and be able to find it on this site. But it's ok. be cheep, its your brand, we all know your doing the job perfectly that's why where has been zero issues for you, just me. none of the hemi plants or duds that people grew and then they deleted the diary making it so they are harder to find but not impossible.. I half expect my address to be leaked by you next because you are that kind of vindictive twat given your actions here. Can't wait for your reply in 5 months times when you finally login and do any sort of PR work on this site. @GrowDiaries, I know you deal with brat users, myself included sometimes. Are you now ready to deal with brat brands?
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LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
Results 5 min after contest ended #1 @m0use 33 #2 @lschnabel 27 #3 @ScrubbyJimBob 19
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, I posted on the comments the results of the top 3 for this months winners. Since February got all messed up.
gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
m0usecommented10 months ago
Looks like questions part of the site is shitting the bed.....again.... No new questions are being populated on the page but I'm sure they being posted, to add onto this, old questions that have been solved are not updating as such, still showing they are open. Guess no loss this close to the end with only 8hrs left and solid numbers between the top 3, hopefully it corrects itself for next month and their contestants. and Lets see how drastic the numbers change a few min into the end of the contest to see if the trolls have been active this month. Good Luck 2 Everyone! closeing totals 2hrs before end. 33-27-19
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@m0use, been having the same issue. Looks like the top 3 are a lock. Better not play out like March.
Scrubbyjimbobcommented10 months ago
@m0use, Yeah, been that way for me for about 30 hours. Diaries not updating either.
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Krisiscommented10 months ago
Just stopped by to say good luck. Why did I read the comments LOL Scientologists everywhere 😂
Krisiscommented10 months ago
@LSchnabel, Yeah wow. I only really figured out what is was sometime into last month. I later looked back at the month before and damn. Feels like with all the drama and bs that it’s been years lol
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@Krisis, it’s been an interesting month again and I’ve only been around for three of them now.
Krisiscommented9 months ago
Congratulations…finally Seems their own rules really don’t matter though? Hahah too funny
LSchnabelcommented9 months ago
@Krisis, thank you
AsNoriucommented9 months ago
echo of this maybe ? even if you ask friend to create question and talked about it on chat here, most probably you will be caught ... could be just us, calling all cheaters and GD has bad humour sense and want to make sure. Never saw it prolonged for second time ... maybe they will finally catch cheese lover ???? ;))))
m0usecommented9 months ago
@AsNoriu, lol spidermite was dr.greenthumbs alt account and we all know how much of a troll they where. They both where the worst and took forever to get banned but it did end up happening, I still feel that they are aorund just without their main accounts. Its highly likely they could be behind some of the other trolls of today. Someone pointed out an account that renamed its self to imitate me and it was a 3yr old one with no recent activity. So the trolls on the site have tons of burners accounts from the beginning of time it seems. The fact one new user is created every 10-15min seems crazy and the majority of all the accounts are just inactive, like whats the point.... is GD making them to self inflate their own numbers to look better to someone? are trolls bombarding the site with spam? Or are people legit creating accounts and them abandoning them. GD is and will always be a hot dumpster fire till it decides to clean up its own act "pay money to the right people who know what they are doing". I don't see this ever happening given how they botched the site with the update. Almost want to start a gofundme for this and give all the funds to hackers on the darkweb to take the site down and then they can remake it from the ground up with no stupid systems like the likes=rank lol.
AsNoriucommented10 months ago
I just got letter from Nigerian prince , he buys seeds for all !!! Please send your Name, address, phone number, bank acc, social number, your mother's maiden name and your favorite password !!! All will get at least 100 golden seeds !@@!!! D.M. me for further details !!!
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, at least 100 golden seeds from the crown prince! That’s all the info you need?
Hashycommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, oh no dude, I think iv been duped, all my money has gone and no tracking no. for the seeds. Them prince's might not be real, I'm beginning to think its a scam.
AsNoriucommented10 months ago
@Hashy, damn, you sent to his younger brother, he gives only silver seeds, mine are gold !!! ;)
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LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
People out here thinking they are just going to create a fake account today and ask all kinds of questions to win.
gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, They especially made this strain for the likes of this mupet..
m0usecommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, the imagery on it is accurate and A+. gimmick marketing but I bet you it will work. and upon rechekcing they are sold out lol.
AsNoriucommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, Would you grow it ? ;))))
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00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
I'm betting that is blacklisted throwing a tantrum? And, what's an alphabert? Is that a Bert doll from sesame street dressed up in a leather? Poor Ernie's gonna gett it "bad."
Hashycommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, you and @m0use, are being a bit harsh on the poor guy, it's not his fault he's fucked in the head.
m0usecommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, He will be back im sure.. can only wait to see when. he told me his name before it was blacklisted, I forget it. but someone knew of them before they went blacklisted.
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00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
@m0use, He was going around shitting on people's diaries and certain people he repeatedly did it over time. Can't beleive it went on as long as it did. I shat on his diaries a couple times a month or two ago, and pretty sure he complained and got my account nuked. All i did was refelct his own behaviour, lol. The hypocrite couldn't take his own medicine.
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LSchnabelcommented9 months ago
And the winners are…..?????
Hashycommented9 months ago
@LSchnabel, well done mate. It took a while but you got it. Now you have the wait of the sponsors getting in contact with you.
LSchnabelcommented9 months ago
@Hashy, I finally got the win!
Hashycommented9 months ago
@LSchnabel, me, myself and I.
gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
GL to all who contributed. Nice 2 see a healthy score board. Hopefully no issue with this contest for Lsch🤞. My prize for March on it's way. Got all the 5 new photoperiods for Xmas Sog each strain will have 1/4 of a row each. Enjoy your prizes. Well deserved.
00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, Sog/scrog was completely unrelated to my intiial reply. You just made shit up, again. I don't need AI, i have an excellent education and self-learning is easy for me. AI gives popular answers because of what it is learning from - primarily from the lower 2/3rds of ditribution curve for intelligence, lol. At some point it will be a useful tool, but not yet. it's just persistently difficult to understand what you type out because the semantics are so discombobulated and riddled with errors of all types. While you made a comment intiially congratulating or wishing others well, 90% of the message is just you self-fellating. Might as well remove a rib for easier access. You'll get fewer cramps. -- Just the first few seconds are necessary as I think it is an excellent analog to your first comment.
gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
@00110001001001111O, See, here's the problem. Ppl like u just can't refrain from been a total Douche bag. If you had any real experience wit growing. You'd of seen it was a misspelling as I meant to put in SOG, not scrog. Hence the rows, a normal grower would of gotten that, been they all hybrids, (anyways, idk y I'm explaining myself 2 sum1 like u, your just the same blow ins, that this site usually shits out before long because u make it your mission to be impossible to converse with) You like a teenager that holds a grudge. Ffs I can't even remember when I last smoke 2u, (I just know u 2be an AI LOVING troll, that couldn't even rub 2 qualities together to make up half way to a decent guy, r whatever u are, I really couldn't care) Maybe you AI'ed what I said and got your lil NFL crap.. U really are a top class A hole.. Like I'm not even talking 2u, y would I, you're a troll. & this will be my last time replying 2u full stop.. So you can stick your sarcastic 2 cents where you and your AI BOT hang out 🤡
00110001001001111Ocommented10 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, Thanks for the update dood. I was wondering if you had gotten all 5 new photoperiods or not. And, each strain will have 1/4 of a row each? Is that like john madden saying 90% of the game is 1/2 mental (referring to football)? The NFL is 45% mental, according to Jon. That's amazing. Super! Good Job!
Krisiscommented9 months ago
Looks like bob is minus a point today
m0usecommented9 months ago
@Krisis, @LSchnabel, @AsNoriu, I did not notice this before and went to check it out... it is kinda sad. Their are some that I think are nice and maybe should be in the top 10 but most of them are a no no for me. one of them only has one photo of the plants hanging upside down... not even harvested and a shit ton of advertised photos of the lights branding so a sponsored grow I bet. That same person also won POTM as well. kinda silly. and I did check out some of the others that look nice and agree they should have been placed before some of them. Something is up. I would like to see the same rule apply to all reoccurring contests, can only win once every 3 months. It would spread out the prizes and prevent month after month win from some of the serial growers here.
Krisiscommented9 months ago
@LSchnabel, I’m agreeing with you all the way. Really making me question this site now tbh
Krisiscommented9 months ago
@AsNoriu, Wow thank you so much. I made lots of mistakes, but for my first one, I’m way beyond happy with it all. Learning experience in everything
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AsNoriucommented10 months ago
@m0use has anybody got troph in all 3 at same month ? GOTM DOTM and POTM ????
LSchnabelcommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, it would be dope if I could get two of them this month 😎. Sounds hard to do.
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m0usecommented10 months ago
@AsNoriu, Not that I have seen, I have seen dule wins for special contests like valentines day event and one of the reoccurrings. and I feel I saw one POTM and DOTM win before. IDK if GD does any cross reference for that shit. Maybe in the past it happened but I don't care to create a data dump of the info to check. If it did. it was a once in a lifetime even I would guess. and likely from a pro grower.
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LSchnabelcommenteda year ago
Anyone having to post like 3-4 times just to get it to actually post?!?!? Giant pain.
gottagrowsometimecommenteda year ago
@m0use, @LSchnabel, Ye, the new setup sucks in general. Especially when using phone. It's so easy to hit off the 'edit diary' when adding new wk..& it doesn't poxy save it anymore. Idk how many updates i aborted just because of that.. GL to u both on the contest. Ls you will get a place this month. But knowing m0use, they'll want 1st, like myself when going for it. Will be interesting to see. I'm glad it'll be going either of your ways. I got DOTM last month. So, I just waiting on FB to mes in the coming months & I'll be grabbing those PP strains for Xmas Crop.. Again, GL to u both.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@LSchnabel, yes. and most times it does work despite it saying it does not work in a big red banner. Sometimes when I refresh it does not show it even "fucking stupid". but if I open the question in a new tab it will show the two answers..... I have gotten into a habbit of hitting Ctrl+A + Ctrl+C "select all" and "copy" so I can paste the answer without rewriting it. Dumb Site requires Dumb Solutions.
m0usecommented9 months ago
I forgot this was still going on. @Fast_buds should be reaching out soon once Grow Diaries Releases the winners. @Scrubbyjimbob @LSchnabel
LSchnabelcommented9 months ago
@m0use, sweet!