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Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
Let the Show begin.... where are you @SpinnerCarribean =?wanna join the Dance=?
likes 9

Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,true true thanks ..
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@Philindicus,just figured it would work it's self out over time ..
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Philindicuscommented6 years ago
@Cannibalgardens,I contacted GD they are doing some improvements on the site this is why it's so slow hopefully they will be done soon.
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HighRoller909commented6 years ago
Guys,you really should take care of spammers around here trying to win the contest every month.they dont give the needed response yet they add more comments under topics indicating they answered growers' question.this website was supposed to help expand knowledge of others but i see almost no critical answers under questions.typing "use calmag,start flushing" etc is not even help.
likes 7

OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Cool ! Laughing is better than crying ! I am creating positive reactions ✌️

CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 you make me laugh EDIT : cringe 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I dont really think anyones crying lol , this month has been pretty tame on the drama end of things .
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drgreentipscommented6 years ago
well done winners
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LockDownGrowcommented6 years ago
Congratulations all the winners
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
51 holy crap we going hard lol
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix,lol trying .
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, I see you coming! Lol
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix,ya I can understand that we going through high heat all summer here ..
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Master_weedacommented6 years ago
Ce qui est dommage c'est si on parle pas anglais on est exclu
Bonne chance à tous quand même
Juste pour info la meilleur technique pour les autofloraison ?
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OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@Master_weeda, Te sens pas exclue, on est la poto 😘🙌
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Weedawan,tu peux utiliser google translate . Fais le de anglais au francais so tu peux lire la question ensuite repond en francais et fais google le transmetre en anglais . Ya beaucoup de francophone quite participle dans les concours
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NOLOGIKcommented6 years ago
Love this
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@NOLOGIK, 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
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Cheezycommented6 years ago
Congrats guys!
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StoneyMelonycommented6 years ago
congratulations ! 😀
likes 3

Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
Thanks grow diaries, bomb seeds, and RQS for the awesome prizes!
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DILLIGAFcommented6 years ago
Looks like the Green machine may smash the previous high scores 😲
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, barely made it!

CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, break the 💯 growmie EDIT : it's been done ! 🚀
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, at this point my score is just going down rather than up lol.
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Fruitgrowercommented6 years ago
What I really dislike is when people don't close their questions and pick an answer. Not only do growers want the points but we don't want to sift through diaries with questions that don't require an answer anymore or even worse have already been harvested! Sort it out growers!
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Philindicuscommented6 years ago
@Fruitgrower, Some times if you answer a diary question click "follow" on that diary. A lot of times they will ask more questions each week so when they post a new week you will be notified when they post. Plus it's just nice to see a plant near death rebound into a nice productive bud making machine.
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Fruitgrower, Thats the name of the game though lol , they've improved this contest lots over the time I've participated in it . Im sure they are working on a system for it give them time :)
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DILLIGAFcommented6 years ago
@Fruitgrower, I made a suggestion to Grow diaries regarding this last month
they don't give a rats by the looks 😆
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Majormolassescommented6 years ago
😂🌱👍 good job every one! Love helping the community wish this was a top 4 event I tried so hard 🤣
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DILLIGAFcommented6 years ago
@Majormolasses, always this month mate You can do it !!
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@Majormolasses,so crazy hard to get any where near third it was something different that's for sure and the next one has got to have alot of growers ready to hit the questions again this upcoming month
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
Good job @greenmachine I'm pretty sure that's a new record . Keep up the great work .
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, it show's you spent alot of time working on it :) Congrats !

Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@The_Projexx, Thanks! Definitely put some time in this month.
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Astroboycommented6 years ago
Daam greenmachine you a machine
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy, @Cannibalgardens I have learned a lot watching the pros!
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy,he answering like crazy lots of knowledge to share ...this site is awesome man..great group of growers I love it.. very addictive answering questions..
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Greymangeneticscommented6 years ago
Someone should go Russian style!! Misinformation giver!! 😂😂😂 best to tamp up the ec to 1500 just before harvest to get that sweet sweet crackle!! 😂😂
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Greymangeneticscommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, yea it’s the probably my dry limey old as shit sense of humour 😂😂
It’s all good really lol. 👍👍👍👍
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Greymangenetics, 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 i thought it was pretty easy to tell it was a decent joke lmbo
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Greymangeneticscommented6 years ago
@Philindicus,not as old as your grow technique 😂😂 🔥
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
Congrats to @Cannibalgardens and @Wicked_Stix you guys did really well keep up the great work guys !
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@The_Projexx, congrats to you guys also!

Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@The_Projexx,ok I got you that makes sense and hoping the Christmas one will be good they are all good and like I've said it's addicting as hell ..
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, I only participate when I like the prizes I may or may not participate right away when i can again. Depends on prizes
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Fruitgrowercommented6 years ago
Is there any way you can see which questions answers you were picked on though?
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Fruitgrower, no not really , the only way to do it would be to surf through all the diaries on the site in the ALL tab , once the grow question gets answered and picked by a user they remove it from the question tab and it just goes back into the ALL tab . So in order to see you would have to surf through lots of diaries .
Happy Growing!

Fruitgrowercommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, that's a shame, it would be nice to know and to see who you helped out.
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@Fruitgrower, you can only see it on their diary where it shows they selected your answer. No way to see a list of your selected answers.
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@greenmachine , is it too early too call it? 🚀
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Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@Wicked_Stix,true lol wouldn't mind some of those bomb seeds ..
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, lol I think I can hold the lead but it aint over til its over. I want that bubble bomb!
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
Congrats to @greenmachine and the newbie growers of the month ! big up ! 🏆
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Wicked_Stixcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks. Being a newb never felt so good!
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