The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
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  • start actively answering Grow Questions
  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month July 2020

Worldwide by Sponsors
166 Growers participating
5 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • THREE winners



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Bloombustercommented5 years ago
В общении с участниками сообщества, я выявил желание многих узнавать о фактах жульничества в конкурсе "гровер месяца" со стороны участников этого конкурса! Я так же поддерживаю желание сообщества знать о нарушениях! Факты обманов или попыток обмана, должны вскрываться и освещаться! Я считаю что каждый член сообщества должен иметь равные права на владение такой важной информацией, как попытки нарушений правил непорядочными участниками! Так, как это делает GDGAC - достойно уважения! GDGAC действует как следователь и сыщик! Команда GrowDiaries выступает в роли прокурора и судей! Чтоб эффективно работала система охраны прав каждого, необходима открытая и совместная работа следователей, сыщиков, прокуроров и судей! Конечно в своих "закрытых кабинетах" они могут обсуждать что-то, не вынося это на всеобщее обозрение, но реальные нарушения участников сообщества должны наказываться и освещаться! Прошу прощения за мою прямую мысль, но она идёт так прямо, при поддержке многих честных участников сообщества! Спасибо! 😇✊
Bloombustercommented4 years ago
@DaSofaSurfer, это было около 1000 моих рекомендаций, ответов за месяц. Из них выбраны 272 решения.
Bloombustercommented4 years ago
@@dreambomber, нет, мой друг, все на много гениальнее. Я постарался в этом конкурсе и превзошел воображаемый показатель своей эффективности. Мы слишком мало знаем о себе, не говоря уже о заявлениях в адрес прошедших мимо нас событий. Будьте здоровы, мой друг! ✊😁
dreambombercommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Yep, he's a fake Russian hacker, who is situated in Russia and proficient in literature, right? 😹
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
Let's have a peaceful contest this month guys! I'll be very upset if I see the same obvious shit going on, a winner who cheats is cheating a winner! ✌️😊🌱👍
CUBULATORcommented5 years ago
@Fruitgrower, there is never a real winner. Grow diaries dont know their head from their ass
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@DonaldTrump, 😆👍 💪
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
One answer for my grow question...... one of two things have happened.... your either punching your screens cuz google can’t find the answer, or it’s to hard and complex. “Not enough info” here give me a min and I’ll find it all for you from a week to week basis: Week 1-3: super soil Week 4: 1tbsp of 4-4-4 Week 5: transplanted into supersoil Week 6-8: nothin Week 9: transplanted outdoor into amended supersoil 4 cups 4-4-4, 4 cups 2-8-4, 2 cups of glacial rock dust, 1 cup basalt rock dust, 1 cup gypsum, 6 cups of bokashi, 1 bag of seafood compost Week 10-11: nothin Week 12: compost tea Week 13: 4 cups of 4-4-4 Week 14: 15ml a gal biobizz fish mix Week 15-16: nothin Week 17: 3 cups 4-4-4 Week 18: 15ml a gal bio grow, 1 cup of basalt rock dust, 2 cups of glacial rock dust. Surprising what a little bit of clicking around and looking through someone’s diary does, wha?! How about puttin a littl effort in.......“the great GOTM” But don’t worry I’ve got it figured out 😜
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Experimentgreen, done deal! 😝
Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
@Hellishjam, whoo nothing gets me hot like a good online rant! I'll show you my lilies if you show me yours.😏
WildeWeedcommented5 years ago
@Hellishjam, Dude I can’t even chime in. None of this shit makes enough sense to poke the bear with. 😂
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Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
Greetings to Mr. Herzog, Thy for Sponsoring the Contest
Fire_Farmercommented5 years ago
Some good advice on here but also some pretty terrible advice on some of these answers, I can see people losing full crops or even worse may continue following the advice throughout many more grows to come 😱 For what? A tshirt n some seeds. Perhaps you should figure out an incentive to get the breeders and nute companies to deal with the questions. How, I dont know, maybe you will give them a free advert banner or some other way of promoting them. Personally I'm gonna opt out of the comp and advise "TO MY LIMITS" for free. If your chasing them seeds and ruining peoples crops stealing 3 months of efforts, SHAME ON YOU!!! Lastly figure out a way to force people to resolve their questions that have satisfactory answers as people are giving their time to help the question poser, not receiving their merit and the question remains apparently unsolved for the rest of us to waste time opening. Oh and also allow us to edit our answers, im bad for typos! Hope this makes sense! One Love💚 Fire Farmer 🔥👨‍🌾
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@Fire_Farmer, At least you'r old enough to know who TLC is 😷🤗👍🙌
Fire_Farmercommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, for sure, a few days in this is my realisation, I'm not a big TLC fan but I do see their logic, reckon I'll save my time for my girls, direct questions recieved and diaries that I follow.
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@Fire_Farmer, The problem is always the same. Someone ask a question, that someone isn't searching any infos about the issue he is facing and choose an answer like it was the best one ever. If peoples were up to search learn and understand they won't be losing 3 month of effort by following a weird advice. It's a 2 way problem : - Some answers are shit and even dangerous for a crop -Some grower are too lazy to double check. It's not about the answers quality , it is Bout the amount of answered questions. By the way you won't change anything as every month someone have a conscious talk like yours so it's like chasing waterfall 😷
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GanjaTorturercommented5 years ago
Internet 😂
BudXscommented5 years ago
Tight race for 3rd! Push!
Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, whoever wins i need you to donate your blue monkey shirt to me! Please. I'm chopping my blue monkey tonight! And she finally permitted me to clone her.😂
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@BudXs, эти парни сейчас ещё обгонят nor_cal ! Посмотри на их счёт! Они идут впритык друг к другу и уже мчатся как два гепарда за одной зеброй! Это захватывает! 😇👍 Удачи всем! 👌 хорошая охота!
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@BudXs, это круто, братан! Все места - почётны! В своё время - я придавал значению, где нахожусь ... на 10 месте или на 20 месте. Но никогда не задавался целью взять этот конкурс! Спасибо тебе, BudXs, за твой вызов вначале месяца, когда ты предупредил что этот "nor_cal беспощадный "... но это оказалось не совсем так... Удачи всем, братья!
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Newbie_01commented5 years ago
I would like to speak for myself and for all newbie like me. we need to expand our knowledge, we need a community that is sincere and that can really help. the world is already full of thieves, we dont need it here. thank you all. Happy growing guys 😘
Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
@Experimentgreen, you are the MPV! I'm rooting for you😁
Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, thanks bud i appreciate that. I tried a few months this year but just couldn't catch's hard to answer non stop when your boss wants you to work and shit... I mean damn doesn't he understand I'm busy doing explicit activities on my phone! I really want that blue monkey shirt though! I need it! I'm about to cut my B.M tonight! And i finally got 3 clones! I must win! Or someone better donate their shirt to me!
Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
@Experimentgreen, yeah I remember when I first joined GD the winners would have around 20 answers. It has gotten pretty crazy! But looks like you have made it this month😁 Congrats. It is well deserved!
Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, psshh you're sweet. It's fun playing with everyone...especially when its a tight race.. me and my buddy @caribbean used to have a lot of fun with it...but now there's so many questions available It's a bit different. 😂 who the heck gets 200 friggin points! What!
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
Приветствую всех, кому не лень помочь другим людям! 😉👍 Может и меня приоденут чуть-чуть, футболочка красивая, призы приятные! 👌😇👍
BudXscommented5 years ago
@Bloombuster,yes. Go get it, my man
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@BudXs, бро, спасибо за совет! Я каждого из вас считаю себе равным и мы все достойны победы! Мне важно дружить с сообществом, мне важно быть полезным! Но футболочка красивая! 😉👍
BudXscommented5 years ago
@Bloombuster,good luck! Early lead, but that norcal is relentless
Burmesecommented5 years ago
Respect to everyone of you who’s helping the others.You,guys have tons of knowledge on cannabis.Welldone guys.Salute...
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@Burmese, всегда рады помочь, бро! 👌
BudXscommented5 years ago
Quality over quantity
Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented5 years ago
@BudXs, How about both?
FR_PhenoFindercommented5 years ago
This looks just like the Cold War 👌
FR_PhenoFindercommented5 years ago
@Bloombuster, Thank you very much I'll ask for help whenever I need it ! Hugs bro :)
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, я буду стараться заходить сюда почаще, друг! если что, пиши мне в личные сообщения, я отыщу твой вопрос и отвечу на него обязательно! Спасибо за приглашение! Очень приятно! Обнимаю, брат! 👋😇
FR_PhenoFindercommented5 years ago
@Bloombuster, I will for sure, you deserve your share of the thing. If ever you come by France let me know, so I can thank you in person by making you taste em. Thank you again mate, I have a big feeling I will need your help later in the flowering stage, stay lit bro, dobriy den brat.
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GMSgrowscommented5 years ago
No race here, i didnt even know I was in a contest until Nor-kal told me lmao. I answer questions usually for an hour in the morning maybe a couple in the evening if I have time. Even if I won I would have passed on whatever they offered to the next guy under me. I won't give my name out on this site let alone my address. I'm just here to help not to win no stupid contest. Cheers my fellow growers
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@GMSgrows, classic GM 👌🏻
GMSgrowscommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, No no, just letting ya know what I'm about. It's all good friend. Sitting back enjoying some of my fruits right now. That's what it's all about...Cheers
GMSgrowscommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds Hey bro, if I were interested in contests I would join some but I have been growing indoors for almost 40 yrs. The only interest I have in this site was to keep track of a new strain I have not grown. But I figured out it's much easier keeping track of your grow on here and wanted to let others know they can grow the same big bud, if they do it right. So people start messaging me asking questions, and I spent way more time answering private messaging than I answered in the question section. My gratitude is the amount of PM's I have sitting in there thanking me, and telling me it's there best grow since I helped them out. That's my prize friend. If I wanted GOTM I am retired so I could answer questions all day and night if I wanted. But I have a great life living on the water and this site only gets a little part of me. Only losers spend hours answering question just to win some seeds. Theres nothing their offering that I would waste my time and space growing anyways. Cheers friend
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BudXscommented5 years ago
Maybe first to 150 and then we start over again? Lots of month left, get a sponsor at 1/2 price?
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Bloombuster, top contender, record destroyer , i think most people just want some quality and some attention , no one cares about the score in the end actually it's not displayed at all so keep on rocking
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@BudXs, Единственное что немного огорчает... этот "nor-cal" недостойно себя ведёт, часто упоминая в ответах в непринятии моих рекомендаций... это не достойное поведение лидера! Я уверен что у всех есть шансы нас догнать и обогнать в рамках правил этого конкурса! 👆😇
Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@BudXs, я уже замедлил ход, чтоб другие догоняли, я понимаю что многие хотят участвовать и победить! но пусть всё сохраняется в рамках этого конкурса 👌
BudXscommented5 years ago
Norcal 2020
WeedTheNorthcommented5 years ago
@DonaldTrump, c'mon now I was just riding my horse eating a Beaver tail after smoking a Big Fatty and I just wanted to have some fun with the President. From 🇨🇦
WeedTheNorthcommented5 years ago
@DonaldTrump, do you really read homosexual material on a grow site? From 🇨🇦
BudXscommented5 years ago
I have a question. Look my diary 👀 WhiteSmoke is the answer
Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
When I say @mr_motalovah I automatically take shaggys voice lol
Mr_Motalovahcommented5 years ago
Mr_Motalovahcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, LOL 😂 I was looking for a name that was a mix between English and Spanish with a little reggae, Jamaican vibe.. was listening to the song boombastic when the name came to me.. funny you caught on! 👍👏👏🙌😂
BudXscommented5 years ago
Goddamn, thats a lot of answers in 7 days
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommented5 years ago
@BudXs, It is ...
Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented5 years ago
What did I miss?