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HighRoller909commented5 years ago
Good luck to all fair ones with a single account,trying really to help people.I check questions page a few times in a day to see if there is something I could share my experimental knowledge on. But there is something going wrong in this one already. I'm not going to mention names but they should remember that questions page is so public these days and whatever you drop there is visible to everyone visiting the website. I see people are losing their thrill at joining the contest after seeing too many questions answered,very fast by other users , that's why I'm writing this on day 1. Of course I know,we all know that most of the participants are here for prizes,this is normal.But with fake accounts and fake infos,some of them kill others' joy of being a participant. I guess my message is well understood and I'm waiting for them to stop doing it. Cheers to all growers out there
likes 17

Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@Philindicus, многие имеют свои секреты и тайны, но матерям не обязательно знать всё о своих детях.....даже вредно знать....и детям вредно и матерям вредно из-за высокой материнской осведомленности! главное - не обманывать самих себя, быть честным с партнёрами, вести игру по её правилам, а если начнётся война - так в ней нет правил и нам нельзя допустить войны! самое плохое что есть в людях - трусость, враньё, лицемерие и безответственность! не бывает добрых и злых людей, бывают только счастливые и несчастные люди! согласись, бро, что лицемерный и трусливый человек, в полноте всей своей жизни, абсолютно несчастлив! а честный, сильный, мудрый человек у всех вызывает восхищение и все думают в уме "вот это счастливый человек!". Понятия у нас и у наших родителей могут быть противоположными друг другу, но наших родителей не станет, а мы пока ещё будем, и мы должны сделать этот мир лучше. И наши дети будут пытаться многое изменить в этом мире, в конце концов - ничто не вечно! Но наше растение вечно! Ему больше 40 000 лет, оно имеет невероятный потенциал в лечении болезней людей, может накормить человека (масло семян - диетическая добавка, bud), может нас одеть, может нас расслабить или настроить на работу, оно может сделать всех людей на много счастливее и здоровее! Главное то, что мы это всё понимаем умом, храним в сердце, передаём безвозмездно и делимся от души! 👌 Жму руку, брат! ✊😇
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Philindicuscommented5 years ago
@Bloombuster,We are all on here "Incognito" for the same reason. Sad to say but I don't even trust my own mother!👍
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Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@Philindicus, поддерживаю твои слова, бро! но vpn не защита от проверок GDGAC, стоит раз ошибиться обманщику, как он будет пойман тут же! многие пользуются vpn, потому как боятся что их найдёт местная полиция, ведь в большинстве стран выращивание нашего растения запрещено! 👆
Я думаю что GDGAC и GD глубже и яснее видят все, что происходит, поэтому как создатели и контролирующие, они имеют самое авторитетное слово 👌
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Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
fricken new tv show rollin out here 😂 get the popcorn homies lets sit and watch this shit show unfold 💩😎
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DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitycommented5 years ago
@Hellishjam, I know sometimes I add to it.. But this is a great comment you get a like :)
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GDGACcommented5 years ago
Case # 001
GDGAC VS. NorCal_Kannabliss
We (GD Growers Against Cheaters) GDGAC for short, want to report cheating in the Grower of the Month Contest. This involves the NorCal_Kannabliss and the Hipichic profiles. It appears NorCal_Kannabliss has created the fake profile Hipichic and has asked questions then has answered/chosen himself as answers selected by grower. The identical photos appear in both NorCal_Kannabliss and Hipichic diaries. We have included (3) screen shots as proof of cheating not once but twice. Hipichic Week 5 closeup night shot compared to a close up of NorCal_Kannabliss daytime photo notice the position of the bent irrigation hose. Same fence, plant but different angle night shot.
Screen shots
Hipichic Week 4 Question
NorCal_Kannabliss Week 6
Hipichic Week 5
Take notice of the position of the bent irrigation hose. Same fence, plant different angle and night photo.
likes 9

Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@GDGAC, Ухты! Бро, это отличная работа! Вы как Шерлок Холмс разыгрываете поддельных знатоков! Это очень впечатляет! Браво, GDGAC! 💪
Очень качественная работа проверяющих, стоит отметить!!! 👌
nor_cal постоянно часто негативно пытается себя проявить в сообществе, приуменьшая авторитет других и преувеличивая свои достижения! это не достойно лидера и учителя! лидер должен подавать руку своим партнёрам, а не стараться показать свою значимость за счёт других! 👆
сообщество создаётся для решения вопросов, для оптимизации действий каждого, а не для запутывания ситуаций! 👍
Удачи всем партнёрам и всем членам сообщества! ✊😇

GDGACcommented5 years ago
@Hipichic ⚰️ R.I.P. Norcal_Kannabliss
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Hipichiccommented5 years ago
@GDGAC, This is a bunch of BS I am NOT fake and he didn't cheat. You're only proving yourself to be a petty little man who doesn't deserve his knowledge nor anyone's attention. I hope you get married someday so you know what it's like to have a question and a spouse who is at work answer it. Someday you will see how insignificantly small minded and petty you are. Your kind of bullshit response to him answering two of my questions for me is ridiculous. GET A LIFE AND GROW UP MORON.
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Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
Once again I try and express my statement. Seeds are so easy to come by on here if u actually grow out a plant.
Breeders watch out for talent and knowledge. Especially the breeder of the strain ur diary is on. Almost everytime like clockwork once a diary is finished. A dm from the breeder comes up wanting to trade more seeds for another diary. Spend time developing ur skills and knowledge as a grower.... not polluting our community with cheating and poisonous movements. Every time I answer a question it is to help a person because I'd genuinely like to help. I couldnt care less about the few beans... I have enough seeds to open a fucking seed bank lol(coming soon)... not through any shady movements but through completing diaries and being passionate about the cannabis plant. Got a big one cooking up for the old heads on this platform! Yall already know what it is. Let's see u cheat ur way through my contest. Shout out to the real community we are getting bigger than ever! Working closely with the breeders has brought me to a greater understanding of how important networks like ours are for the industry. The stronger our community the more fruitful it can be.
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Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
If you know what ur doing breeders are all over here... free seeds out the ass for those worthy. Yall are supposed to be the support network! Passing ur knowledge forward because u were learning once as well. You should field questions for the sake of helping and to keep ur eye sharp and on ur toes for ur own diagnosis needs. FUCK BANTERING ABOUT A COUPLE PACKS OF SEEDS. Happy growing fam and stay lit.
likes 9

Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
What did I tells ya at the first of the month?!?! I’m gettin fat from all the popcorn 🍿 😂 🤣 😂 😂
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
I give up now. This is ridiculous. I don't know what's going on or if what I hear is true. @grow.diaries sort this fake shit out, it can't be too hard or you may as well remove this part from the website. 👍🌱
Sorry to any one that actually NEEDS help.... 😔
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GreenHouseLabcommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, 🔨nailed it
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, I agree and you can't forget its a lockdown worldwide so people are bored and sitting at home with not much to do. But creating extra profiles to win 12 seeds and a baseball cap is a bit crazy, I don't know whom it is and I'm not blaming norcal but someone or some people are making fake profiles and questions. It is very obvious....
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Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@Fruitgrower, I blame a lot of it on the new format for posting questions bcoz previously you could only ask a certain amount of questions in a time frame Now I see dozens of pointless questions on peoples diaries like "what should I grow next" or "hows my grow looking growmies" These arent legitimate questions in my opinion and should not be counted towards the GOM contest . It's these sort of Non grow related questions that contribute to the High tally count of these "Poser" growers . Ask them a straight out plant related question and they will just Google the answer because Truthfully some of these so called "grow masters" who pop up every few months to win couldnt grow a plant to save themselves.
I particiapate in this contest when I can as I do have a fair bit of learned knowlege to share with growers and I like to then Follow those grows right thru until harvest incase they need any
Further advice. I don't do it for a few crappy fem seeds thats for sure!!
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GDGACcommented5 years ago
Screenshot evidence can be viewed in our diary format GDGAC vs. NorCal_Kannabliss 👊
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BudXscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,oh say it aint so, bulbs. Not this guy, his diaries are dope and he drops good karma all over the place. I hope not:(
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MadeInGermanycommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, This is a great idea 🤗. very time consuming, great respect for it 👍. I don't understand how you can be proud of the cup afterwards 🙁. too bad that you can not block such people 🙁
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CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@GDGAC, omg @gdgac is gonna come for you @madeingermany 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
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MadeInGermanycommented5 years ago
I wish all participants good luck this month 🤗. The many good help will be given 👍
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GrowDiariescommented5 years ago
Due to contest's rules violations, grower @Nor_Cal_Kannabliss was removed from the competition.
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OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@Hipichic, You choosed your husband answer to the grow questions so you've promoted him by doing that. As he is in the same house as you it's not cool to give him a point in a game. Maybe you'll not find the EXACT rules that is telling you what you can do or not but their is a worlwide rule called "fair play" so GD must have used it
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Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
@Hipichic, if you click on journal and go back 3 years ago you will see how long issues have been going on in the contests. Any activity deemed "suspicious" will be treated as cheating. growdiaries is the judge, jury, and executioner here. We all have to play by their rules if we want to compete. That's just how it is.
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Hipichiccommented5 years ago
@GrowDiaries, I would like to see a copy of these so called rules which do not seem to be posted anywhere that is easily accessible. Please enlighten me on what EXACT rule he violated. I honestly am starting to think this whole thing is rigged. And that he is being unfairly targeted.
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Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
Not much point removing a person decided to be cheating from first place only to allow them to simply start competing again straight away.
Where is the deterence not to simply do it again... and again
If Disqualified you Shouldn't be allowed to be in it for atleast 3 months preferably 12
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Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@@@NobodysBuds, why is that directed at me?? I didnt have anything to do with this
1. I cant even enter this month mate because I won back in March so Im not eligible to compete
2. I wasn't the one making accusations only said my opinion on the outcome of the disqualification
Now I suggest if you or anyone else doesn't like the decisions made by Growdiaries you take it up with them rather than attacking growers for nothing more than
making a suggestion.
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OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, GD decided that is was cheating. Call it whatever you what but at the end of the day the guy get kicked off of the leader board.
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Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I'm sorry if I seem to be causing trouble??? Certainly not my intentions I was just stating the obvious in that if you are removed from the contest for whatever reasons
then it seems strange to me that they are allowed straight back in .
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Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
I take a break from GD and come back.... even more drama now than when I left... didnt expect anything different though. Happy growing and stay lit fam. Free seeds ain't shit. Prizes ain't shit... Integrity is everything!
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Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,I'm back for the first time!
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CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@@Ttrichome, 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented5 years ago
Sometimes mistakes are made and consequences come with those mistakes. I am ok with it all. After all, it all started out with me just trying to help others and I'll continue to do so. See you all next month.
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CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
you're alright growmie, just remember half these folks have been caught cheating themselves lmao
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Shagrathcommented5 years ago
Thank you all! It's nice to be a part of a good community and at the same time get some credit for it too! 😻
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BudXscommented5 years ago
The man put in work, put up with the haters, a few mind games, and he prevails. Lets see what OCD vs Comeback Kid looks like next month
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BudXscommented5 years ago
close race for 1st, close race for 3rd. This is fun to watch
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GDGACcommented5 years ago
It's fortunate that Grow Diaries has allowed cheaters to make up fake profiles to cheat and win contests, but has asked us to remove the GDGAC profile because the "Cry Baby" cheaters whom were caught complained to GD.
We have removed the screen shots of evidence from the diary even though they were not copy righted or trademarked. Grow Diaries has also asked that we submit evidence directly to them rather than post the evidence for all "Honest Contest Participants" to see how cheating has been allowed to continue for YEARS without Grow Diaries taking any action what's so ever regardless of numerous growers complaining directly to them.
We will try to keep the GDGAC profile active to allow fellow growers to anonymously submit definitive evidence via PM (Private Message) so we can submit it to GD without fearing reprisal from the cheaters.
Grow Diaries will hopefully take some action in the next contest in order to restore the integrity of the contest.
We sincerely apologize if we have made any "Grown Men or Women Cry" for getting caught cheating. 😭
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Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@Fusion, я понял твой позыв, бро! но хотелось бы пролить свет на нарушителей. Скорее всего проверка не только по ip.... тут по mac-адресу наверняка есть проверки)) я не знаю точно. но я бы хотел поднять авторитет этого соревнования, чтоб больше людей участвовало и среди них было больше профессионалов! спасибо за обратную связь, бро! 😇👌 удачи тебе! 😇✊

Fusioncommented5 years ago
im not calling anyone out as i dont see the ip addresses nor do i know who knows who or how many alts ppl are using. If had proof dam right I'd call them out.
what was mentioned was i know for sure 2-3 guys commenting all day/month and only got a few answers per day. That i do know for sure as were competing against each other.
Has nothing to do with who's smarter, we are all long time growers and very knowledgable.
ive seen your answers, agreed with you a few times this month on questions.
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Bloombustercommented5 years ago
@Fusion, первые 2 недели этого месяца я отвечал на все вопросы, друг и у меня были эти 10-15 ответов в день, но я не обманываю сообщество, друг! Будь в этом уверен! И пусть меня накажет GDGAC или команда GD, если я хоть один вопрос себе подстроил! Пишите конкретно кого вы имеете ввиду и бросайте ему вызов, если вы уверены в своих силах, друг! Вы делаете намёки, которые имеют негативный эффект на сообщество. Для уверенного в своих силах человека, нет временных рамок или расстояний... уверенный человек играет по правилам игры и он забирает свой кубок, если судьи согласны с его преимуществом! Необходимо вскрытие обманщиков, а не замалчивание фактов обмана! Необходимо наказывать обманщиков, чтоб у других участников сообщества было реальное представление о качестве контроля конкурсов! Если считать, что 2 ответа в день это максимум, тогда я вам скажу, что это "деградация"! Обычный человек использует свой мозг только на 2% от возможных.......... наверное эти 2% и есть 2 ответа в день! Кто-то может не стараться в конкурсе, а кто-то сильно старается и тратит много своего свободного времени, чтоб помочь другим людям! Называйте никнеймы, друг! Не нужно выражаться "загадками", на которые вам легко ответят 99% членов сообщества.....но некорректно поставленный вопрос "загадка", рождает ошибочный ответ в последней инстанции - сообщества! 😇👆
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
Back to making this contest fair in the future and moving on from all this negative energy.
What @growdiaries could do for gotm. Is you have to be over 3 or 6 months old user with smily face on your diaries (like they do in the other contests) to be able to answer and accept questions to count towards the contest, any accounts answering questions under 3 months old for example would not count as any points in the GOTM but still can help the growers in need. This would make it fair for everyone, at least for 3-6 months 😂. like they tried with you can only win it every 3 months, wasn't like that before was it?
Place your votes below.
🍆For yay
💩For nay
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BudXscommented5 years ago
@DonaldTrump, naw, FG legit, hundo. Hes on my grow wall, no cheaters in the growmies nook.
Cheaters gotta go. Can also do away with those in PM and chat requesting "like for like" wtf? Put in time. In fact, GD change master level to 5000 likes, way too little to be considered a master at anything when all it takes is clicks.
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
@DonaldTrump, I've played fair and square mate, there's no way I'm resigning
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Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
Real problem is the questions being answered with things the people want to hear... not with the truth of the matter! Putting people's plants further at risk for their own personal gain... same people come back with worsening conditions... directly a cause of sugar coated devious answers. Only to be given the next best case scenario answer... complete rubbish!
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Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@OutForReal,very true as well

OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@@@Ttrichome, The problem is that when you ask a question you have to double check the answers but they just select something that they aren't sure about
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Magic43562commented5 years ago
Anyone that thinks I am a fake profile hit me up on here, I will be more than happy to go to bat for @Norcal. he has helped me with almost all of my grow questions. This is legit a virtual trophy that people are getting butthurt over because someone has more knowledge than them. Grow up lmfao
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
@BudXs, no its hippychic 😂
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BudXscommented5 years ago
@Magic43562, norcal, is that you??
Just kidding. Norcal be da man! No sleep, constant learning, teaching, training, hangin with hippiechick. He does not need the seeds, hes got the seeds.
Hes puttin in the work, deserves the trophy imo. Gonna set a new record with answers, take away 2 softballs from the wifey, and hes legit. GD - GET RID OF THE CONTEST, LIKES ARE THE INCENTIVE NOW
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