The Grow Awards 2025 🏆


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125 years ago


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Milezcommented3 days ago
Immer PLAGRON!!! Beste Produkte 🙌💯❤️
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GrowDiariesPinned by GrowDiaries19 days ago
Hey, Community! We wanted to give you a quick update regarding the voting in the Best Cannabis Nutrients – Organic Brand category. Unfortunately, we’ve detected fraudulent activity, where one person created multiple accounts to cast votes. Since we believe in fair competition, we will be removing these votes from the final results. We truly appreciate our community and want to ensure an honest and transparent contest. We kindly ask all participants to refrain from such practices so that every brand has a fair chance to win. There are so many amazing brands in this competition, each with dedicated fans. The best way to compete is to engage with your supporters and encourage them to vote authentically. Let’s keep it fair and fun! Cheers to everyone! 🌿🎉
TherealNICOGREENcommented14 hours ago
@Rockafromspace, 🤝👌💚☮️👌😇✌️
Rockafromspacecommenteda day ago
@GrowDiaries, Ban the cheat. Keep it real.
MonyetDiablerocommenteda day ago
@GrowDiaries, Love growdiaries and these kind of votes dont get me wrong, but most of the diaries for example the ones under Barney’s Farm are f*cked . The first few wrote some stupid shit under g/p and now they are no1 . If you look at their diaries they are not finished. However I also so found some nice persons here … persons that are keeping it real and each day im able to connect to them because of this platform.
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Patricia_Zamnesiacommented9 hours ago
Hello everyone, thank you for voting for Zamnesia! We really appreciate your votes!
TherealNICOGREENcommented7 hours ago
@Patricia_Zamnesia, ALTID og PLAGRON OS💜💙💚❤️‍🔥☮️💙💜💚.
Comment by TherealNICOGREEN photo #1Comment by TherealNICOGREEN photo #2Comment by TherealNICOGREEN photo #3Comment by TherealNICOGREEN photo #4Comment by TherealNICOGREEN photo #5
Newt_Loopcommented11 hours ago
Lots of newbie accounts in the comments. I clicked on 18 different member accounts in the comments in a row, what are the odds all 18 would be newbies with no diaries? Apparently 100% odds...... How can newbies with no diaries vote for anything? Can't know what the best anything is if you've never grown anything. Should of been a diary limit and 3 months of activity in order to even vote. Had to cheat for some stupid "Best Of" that doesn't appear in any news headlines or anything, just GD. Not like it's recognized worldwide..... Grow up, play fair, offer promotions and incentives and people will use your products and then you don't have to cheat to be recognized..... Some companies showed their true colors here, why would I purchase from a company that can't be truthful? I wouldn't have much faith in their products....
Patricia_Zamnesiacommenteda month ago
To all our Zammie growers, thank you for voting for us and our strains. Growers love to you all 💙!
Milezcommented3 days ago
TerpDude710commenteda month ago
I'm a Zamnesia customer since good 10 years and I really like Zamnesia. Customer-Service is awesome, the products good quality and the prices are fair af... Thank you Zamnesia
TherealNICOGREENcommenteda month ago
SebastianFastBudscommenteda month ago
Fast Buds for the win
TherealNICOGREENcommented7 hours ago
@SebastianFastBuds, desværre i er slet ikke i nærheden af hverken Zamniesia eller KANNABIA 🖤🧡 ( MEN HAR NOGLE EKTREMT FLOTTE OG GODE ARGUMENTER OG GENATIK TIL AT VINDE ;) MEN ikke i år 💚☮️💚💙💜🖤🧡😇😅😋😉💚☮️🧡💜💙
Rockafromspacecommenteda day ago
@SebastianFastBuds, Auto superstars ♠️
SteveXcommented17 days ago
Applestrudel Auto..
Plagroncommented2 months ago
Best of luck to everyone involved! And you know who to vote for when it comes to nutes 💜😉🔥
TherealNICOGREENcommented7 hours ago
@Plagron, jer og Zamniesia hehe💙💜☮️💚
Milezcommented3 days ago
@Plagron, Beste Produkte 🙌💯❤️
Ben1563commented4 days ago
@Plagron, keep on doing great products 😍
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Sweet_Seedscommented2 months ago
Thank you all for being part of our family and for continuously supporting us! Sweet Smokes!
AdvancedNutrientsLtdcommenteda month ago
Growers who are voting for us - we see you, we appreciate you, and we’re on a mission because of YOU! Huge thanks for your support - we’ll keep bringing you the best. Let’s keep winning together! 🏆
Peterpumpkineater69commented7 days ago
My water sucks, your ph perfect line saved my ass! Whenever i can move, i'll try your organics 🤙🏽
BigDaddyKcommented2 months ago
What would be interesting, if we all,grew the same strain for one grow , maybe the one that gets voted the winner
Pepe_Lapewcommenteda month ago
Solfire Genetics does that on their discord , they just started another one . They also have these playing cards like those games they play out but about cannabis. Think it's photo's and no auto's. Maybe if enough people get together and talk about doing one a breader would step up and sponsor one. I would like to do one someday.
m0usecommenteda month ago
@BigDaddyK, They doing something like this in the contests right now. and have done it in the past, some with limited results. Its nice but unless they giving the seeds out, its a low turnout. Seemsman and Cookies "no seeds max 15 contestants" vs Ganja Farmer and Zamestia and Dutch Passion, massive 50+ contestants
Plagroncommented2 days ago
Thanks to the Grow Diaries community who voted for Plagron.🙏🏻🙏🏻 Let’s Grow Legendary, together.💚💜
Stoned_Impalacommenteda month ago
those with the strongest PR and marketing will win, doesn't mean that fastbuds has the best seeds or genetics (not even close) i still voted for those who i think are the best in what they are doing, but we all already know that fastbuds and barneys will win most. doesn't mean they are the best. (barneys at least has quality genetics while fastbud just keeps shitting new "GeNeTiCs" into the market every other week/month to make sure the piggy bank doesn't dry up.
GreenSeedcommented13 days ago
i get fast buds autos for gift on every seed order, they grow and flower nicely so i pop em and don't ever buy any autos except for 1 time when they were fresh on the market and were terrible so i would only try autos by chance so the only autos i grow are fast buds and i will not buy other than what i have tryed and grew good, they were smart they gave me their good seeds to try for free, and i liked them and trust them now cause they grew good , its not just marketing, so if il ever buy auto il buy Fast Buds auto, ofc there gonna win there for free and grow good others should gift their seeds so massively for us to try and meet the plant to vote for it
Mrs_Larimarcommented19 days ago
FastBuds i an European Brand, this website is european too and away from this website, Fastbuds is near to unknown in US
Stoned_Impalacommenteda month ago
to criticize =! being bitter. yes i have grown 4 different "strains" from fastbuds and if you'd have 2 decades of experience with breeders like serious seeds, mandala seeds, sweet seeds, heck even copy-cats like nirvana. you would understand my post and the answer from the fellow right above you. plus the fact that they only sell auto-seeds where it's literally impossible to keep a motherplant of speaks a lot about their tactics and values. i shared my opinion. some will agree, most will not. doesn't mean i'm bitter or "unchill". i've probably insulted your fav. breeder or something and you might be in fact the bitter one projecting. We'll never know. we're just two anons on the internet and i have no time to measure who got the bigger penis. chill
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00110001001001111Ocommented19 days ago
Devil's advocate: If cookies seedbank is the best breeder, why is it that theres are no cookie strains anywhere near the top of the list? candy candy with 2 votes is the first strain found. Four strains had 2 votes. I didn't bother looking through 1-vote strains. Something smells rotten in denmark, or i guess the czech republic. I get it. Great seed bank, bad strains? LOL. I guess people think their stickers and swag are cool.
AsNoriucommented19 days ago
@00110001001001111O most probably its all theirs huge event participants and especially all the winners . Oh .... wait !!!! It amazes me, how companies, who didn't fulfill theirs promise, are allowed to be even listed. There was not one and they still are listed and get points ....
Mateo513commenteda month ago
lol companies i never used before messaging me asking me to vote for them, nope send me free seeds i will 😂
AsNoriucommenteda month ago
I never got promised beens. Still think Sweet Seeds have great genetics, will run them outdoors this year...
m0usecommenteda month ago
this happened last year. they asked for proof and other used Photoshop to get the seeds and then voted someone else lol.
m0usecommented2 months ago
Vote like its does not matter, cuz it doesn't!
AsNoriucommented2 months ago
@m0use, strange when no short list .... too many options ...
edviiincommenteda month ago
IZI for the win! Remember, they are asking you to vote for breeders, not white label resellers!
IZISEEDBANKcommenteda month ago
We are producing seeds not for some contest wins, but to make growers happy with our strains and genetics! Thanks for voting for us Bro!😍🙌
LeyaPugcommenteda month ago
IzI ! Love ❤️ them from my first grow !
DzagiMancommenteda month ago
So true ! IzI breed their own strains and seeds ! Real respect for that good genetics they gift to us
Mrfmzlycommenteda month ago
Izi Grow, izi Seeds ✌️
m0usecommented2 months ago
best air filter brand and best vent fan brand voting list are messed up.... Can-Filters who make filters are not listed in the filter but are in the fan category.... and yes they sell fans but they are mostly known for their filters?
LudoBcommented8 days ago
agree too ^^
WhiteEdgecommented2 months ago
@m0use, Agree, Can-Filters are the best, not listed here as filer so i give them vote for ventilation😶
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Irati_Anesiacommented3 days ago
Thanks to all grower who voted for Anesia, and especially for our Frozen Black Cherry- have a sucessful Season. and see you
Galaxy_Rangercommenteda month ago
Zamnesia my love ❤️
Rangakucommenteda month ago
I can’t get zamnesia in my country, too bad coz their strains look so good
barbuscommenteda month ago
Tried and tested outdoor grower. Risked other breeders and they failed