Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago Hi growmie!
I see you are growing in coco. Have you checked cocoforcannabis,com?
One basic rule with coco is that you should never let it dry! Coco is like growing hydro but coco is media buffer and overwatering does not apply to coco. That is 'cos coco holds lots of water and it is inert materia and soil on the other hand loses all of its oxygen if moistured too much. Overwatering the soil is bad because the soil will lose all of its oxygen and the roots suffocate but in coco this wont happen. You should also notice that coco sucks magnesium and calcium so you might want to add some good cal/mag product BUT don't get the one thats produced with calciumnitrate ocs thats 15N and 19Ca so lots of nitrogen and hard to use in flowering, depending on your nute line ofc.
Oh yeah and thing with coco, when the plants are bigger you want to water with some run off water every time to flush the build up salts, unless you are using humic acid and/or beneficial bacteria and fungi that will break up those build up salts.
Lots of info, hope it helps 😂