Hmmm, are you sure that's an autoflower? Planted in January? I think you got a photoperiod plant. Start giving it 10-12 hours of darkness. 12 is safer. In two weeks if you see more pistils forming, it's a photoperiod plant despite any marketing or promise when it was given to you.
But, if not:
Uusually an autoflower is basically similar to doing 12-12 from seed... regardless, the plant will "vege" for a period of time before it is mature enough to flower due to necessary length of uninterupted darkness.
An auto is similar, but of course you can blast it 24hrs a day, if you want. 2-3weeks, then it's your guess as good as anyone else's without experience with that particular strain - evne then meosis and genetic recombination has a say in the matter of diversity through sexual reproduction :P
If you see whispy white pistils at all nodes and terminal buds, not just the lone pair of calyxes at each node from early on, then it's likely been in bloom for ~14 days at that point, give or take.
Some autos can be longer than the usual 10-12.