Its a defiency. Ur giving not very much Nuts. I would give them More. The top Leafs look a littlebit too bright. Try giving them more N.
Its normal that bottom Leafs turn yellow later on.
ust remove them because they will cost the Plant energy instead of giving Energy.
(Yellow Leafs have less Photosynthesis and the Plant will try to keep them and will use energy on them, so they are a waste of energy, and logically the Bottom Leafs getting less light that the top Leafs).
Rest of the Plant looks really good, maybe defoliate her a little bit to get better Light Penetration to mid and bottom buds and way better ventilation. (Oxygen and CO2 is very important too for the Plant, Substrate and Roots need Oxygen and The Leafs need CO2 for Photosynthesis. And give a little bit of Nitrogen.