Is it starting to herm? This one is sour diesel and is in 9th week of flower and is a photo. It has been a little more humid than usual so maybe it's caused by stress. Should I consider harvesting when trichomes still need to develop?
If want to make feminized seeds pick the pollen sacs before they open. Will turn from green to yellow. Save pollen in freezer and can do one branch or crosses later on. Lasts about a year.
Those look like nanners yes a hermi. If u also look at the bud site above the one ur pointing at I also see 3 there too. Remove them or pollination is inevitable.
It's kinda blurry for my old eyes. But those look like the Nanners of doom! Stress can for sure cause this as it's her attempt to survive! Certain cannabis plants will herm even if healthy and unstressed. This is a genetic trait carried by some strains and particular plants. Why Good Genetics is Important!!