
8 weeks into the flower, I have waste in the coconut 3.5ec, can it affect the resulting smell and taste after harvesting

Pasta99started grow question 4 days ago
8 weeks into the flower, I have waste in the coconut 3.5ec, can it affect the resulting smell and taste after harvesting
Buds. Other
m0useanswered grow question 4 days ago
do you mean you are flushing "waste" the coco coir substrate "coconut" and its coming out at 3.5EC? I would continue just giving them water and nothing else till its harvest date. Its a bit high but nothing unheard of. If it was 5EC i would give it a propper flush and get around 30-50% runoff via the pots volume. The plants in the single photo you uploaded look nice. so that's a bonus and I don't see any burning or anything indacting its getting to much. But more pictures would be ideal. A good cure will bring out the flavors and accents of the herb. anything not cured and just dried will taste bad.
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Selected By The Grower
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 4 days ago
Your main questions should be how much longer until finish and are you seeing a noticeable impact on the plant. If you're showing signs of lockout or burn, a flush would help but if you're close to chopping it's not gonna matter much anyhow. Your buds should be fine.
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