
flush with water or without flushing and give nutrients

Pasta99started grow question 8 days ago
flush with water or without flushing and give nutrients?
Buds. Other
m0useanswered grow question 8 days ago CONCLUSION In a first-of-its-kind study, Rx Green Technologies evaluated the effects of a flushing period on yield, potency, terpenes, mineral content, and taste characteristics of cannabis flower. Overall, the length of the flushing period did not impact yield, potency, terpenes, or taste characteristics of cannabis flower. Taste test results indicated a trend toward improved flavor and smoke quality with the zero-day flush. While there were no significant differences in cannabis nutrient content or cannabis supplements used, there was a trend toward increased iron and zinc in flower flushed for 14 days. This study’s results indicate no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience. its bunk to flush or using flushing agents. anecdotical results/findings are exactly that.
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Selected By The Grower
danwhoanswered grow question 8 days ago
Flush with water or water only from here on out. Maintain pH however! Looking good and some signs of fade setting in on the fan leaves, no need to provide additional nutrients at this point. Soil and extra foilage should be able to supply the plant. Well done!
Organomananswered grow question 8 days ago
I grow organically outdoors and "flushed" plants versus unflushed plants are definitely superior in flavour/taste. Growing outdoors or organically/biologically does not mean that "flushing" is not needed! You do not need to drown your plants with galons of water, just give plain water in normal amounts and at normal intervalsand the plant will "flush" itself naturally. It is a physical process that the plant does, it can not be accelerated with giant amounts of water, a plants metabolism only works at one speed!
Organomananswered grow question 8 days ago
Stop all nutrients and use just plain water until harvest. Definitely "flush" with water, your plants are very, very green and no doubt full of fertilizer salts which will leave an unpleasant metallic tang in your buds if not removed. Curing will not solve the bad taste either.
001100010010011110answered grow question 8 days ago
Bro science. React to deficiencies or toxicities that same as ever. Do they flush outdoor plants? Nope. So, flushing is a tool you use as a reaction to a toxicity. If you think you have a toxicity brewing, can react to severity accordingly... sometimes water-only normal irrigation is good enough. If you want to be lazy and just not mix fertilizers, you can let the plant cannibalize itself. the flowers are still built the same way. Just make sure your canopy is strong enough to endure that until harvest.
Dendegrowanswered grow question 8 days ago
Depends on your fertiliser if its biological them you don't have to flush in my opinion. If it is a mineral based fertiliser you should flush up to 10 days.
Legendaryseedthumbanswered grow question 8 days ago
Flush with water! But ph balanced ofc. I’m using a solution from Canna named “Canna Flush” I give it once then only ph balanced water for 7/10 days before harvest. And the results are amazing every time. Try it out and I promise you won’t get disappointed. Good luck my friend. You can flush 7/10 days even if you don’t have the canna product ofc! But I recommend buying it for future grows. It’s very good if you accidentally over feed to get it balanced again.
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