Hi there, depending on the size of your plant, the growing medium and the environment EC 2.0 mS might be way too much..
I top mine around EC 1.4 mS when i'm in hydro (for a medium sized plant like an auto) or around 1.2 when in soilless..
If i was growing in soil, i'd go much further down to around 0.7 or 0.8, however please be aware that this is based on RO water (so 0 EC to start out with).
Here's a great guide for that: https://www.mandalaseeds.com/Guides/Fertilizing-Smart-Guide
Looking at your EC of 2.8 while feeding 2.0 ms it seems there are a lot of excess nutrients in the medium that the plant couldn't take up, so unless the plant shows active signs of overfeeding, i would just lower the amount of nutrients by the amount that's now too high (2.8 - 2.0 = 0.8... so take your 2.0 and subtract those 0.8 which is 1.2 so i'd start out with that and monitor for a while) and see how this will evolve. That's at least without knowing anything about your environment.
If there are signs of overfeeding a flush might be helpful, but be careful as that's usually not that good for the health of the plant.
Oh, and i also have tapwater with an EC of 0.8, so trust me, spend the 100 bucks on an RO filter and then water with RO water and added calmag.. that has been the best move in my growing career next to buying an EC and PH meter.