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Organic_LarFstarted grow question 5 years ago
True or false?!?! LED has a longer flowering time. LED needs less nutrient. LED has a more spread light output. After reading to much about it, I would like to know what GD community thinks. 🙏🍀🍀🍀🙏
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deFharoanswered grow question 4 years ago
Mi opinión sobre esto: Para mi la denominación LED es demasiado genérica como para contestar con precisión, los espectros de luz y las combinaciones de estos en instalaciones led son mucho más ricos, variados y precisos que lo que ofrece HID por ejemplo. Con respecto a la penetración, intensidad o PAR de luz, donde los sistemas HID son campeones. Sólo se me ocurre que una instalación con luces LED pudiera alargar la etapa de floración... si los espectros de color no contienen los suficientes rojos (600-660nm). Aunque realmente pienso, que el alargamiento de la etapa de floración, o lo que es lo mismo, el retraso de la senectud, está principalmente condicionada al tipo de nutrición que el cultivo ha tenido y tiene, y hablo principalmente de la presencia de minerales (Nutrientes inmóviles), no estoy hablando de NPK. LED necesita menos nutrientes... no veo porqué. LED has a more spread light output: Si te refieres a la posibilidad de combinar espectros de luz específicos, dando juego a instalaciones muy especializadas y por tanto eficientes, para las diferentes etapas del cultivo: la respuesta es SÍ Si te refieres al poder de penetración de las luces LED, tampoco se puede hablar aquí genericamente, pues hay LEDs con mucha potencia de penetración... por ejemplo, comparando una instalación de 600w con bombillas HID con otra con 600w de luces LED (bien configuradas, con respecto a los espectros de luz y colocación en el armario), para mi los LEDs ofrecen mucho más rendimiento y calidad. Saludos
Selected By The Grower
JeremyBeadleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello Organic_LarF, This isn't really an answer to your question for growing cannabis but this paper measured the effects of growing mint under different lighting conditions. While the mentha spp. don't produce cannabinoids they do produce a lot of terpenes. They found that all of the three mint species grown under red or red-blue LED light accumulated dramatically higher essential oil content compared with those grown in the field. Again, not really an answer to your question but a super interesting, to me anyway, study on the effects of growing under LEDs.
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Harmaranswered grow question 5 years ago
No, shorter bloom.
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Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey Growmie, 1. You may have heard that one big drawback of LED grow lights is flowering time. They simply take longer to flower. While that used to be true, it no longer is. ... They often don't have enough power to bloom, or they simply have an ineffective spectrum. So false 2. If you give nutrients to your plants, reduce feeding by 30% when growing with LED grow lights. During the vegetative stage, plants require more nitrogen and potassium. During the flowering stage, plants require less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium. So True 3. Most LED grow can replace HID lights so the spread isn't the issue, the light intensity is, as the light is raised it loses light intensity, unlike other lights. So True/False. Hopefully, I answered your question and remember ..."Happy Growing" and "Free your mind one puff at a time"
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chasv77answered grow question 5 years ago
I believe items 1 and 2 are true. As for #3, it depends on what degree, the individual LED deflector lens' are set for. Different Mfg, do different things I have never used non-LED lights, as my ignorance to their spread.
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