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Que faire ?

Lillaustarted grow question 5 years ago
Bonjour Quelle est la température et le lux à ne pas dépasser pour une culture extérieure ? Ma souche sw amnesia xl haze auto je ne voudrais pas la brûler avec température à venir 38_40°c Comment faire pour garder une température idéale ? Vous avez des solutions conseils ? thks
Plant. Other
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
70000lux - потолок. Если будет меньше - будет не хуже. Температура 15-24 градусов Цельсия подходит для вегетации. Температура 21-28 градусов Цельсия - для цветения. Сбить температуру можно лишней влажность (испаритель - увлажнитель воздуха), проветриванием, не поддавать прямому солнечному свету, чтоб растение не испытывало шок от сильного нагрева почвы и листвы. Удачи, бро! 😇👍
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Selected By The Grower
Lillauanswered grow question 5 years ago
Aujourd'hui 25 ressenti 30 Humidité 45 je suis à 40 mètres au dessus niveau de la mer Vent 8 kmh ouest Extérieur pot tjs 2.5 litres
chasv77answered grow question 5 years ago
This my opinion on this topic. You can not control lux outside. In direct sunlight, it is what it is, on a clear sunny day. The only thing that can influence the sun's intensity, is altitude and humidity. As far as using indirect light(shade tree), that is a major drop from direct sunlight, and grow quality. I grow at altitude (major UV), with mid 90's F temps. I don't have light burn, and my C99 seeds were also used in a grow box, so they have been in both environments. They look great, see my diary. The Haze strain has Sativa qualities, so hot temps should not hurt it. Maybe Indica Kush strains like cooler temps??????? Good luck and good growing!👌
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Lillau, да, друг! Пока она маленькая, она не нуждается в мощном освещении. В ярких фотонах она будет нуждаться, после того, как отрастит себе 5 пар листьев! 😇👌 А пока она может дома постоять, в комнатных и комфортных температурах 😇👌 Удачи, друг! 😇👍
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DrJynx86answered grow question 5 years ago
For outdoors I say keep her on a half shaded place, not direct sun, and no direct sun at noon/midday because that's where the sun burn them most. Once she's big enough and have a huge root system, you can safely let her more hours until full sun, making sure she's well watered in the mornings, and she will probably need more watering during the day and the afternoon if the day is very hot. If you can plant her on the soil directly on a big hole with lots of perlite and aireated substrate (compost, vermiculite, etc), will grow up to 4 meters or more, the more sun the bigger. Keep on the good care! Happy smokes!
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Lillauanswered grow question 5 years ago
Merci bloom je pense que je vais les rentrer et donner au pire de-là lumière intérieure de chez moi Non ?
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