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Auto flower vs photoperiod

Grow_with_usstarted grow question 2 years ago
Are they're any differences between growing an auto flower vs photoperiod? This is my second time growing my first was outdoor photoperiod so just wondering if there's anything I need to do different
Plant. Other
BEACHBUDZ757answered grow question 2 years ago
The main difference is of course the light schedule, autos do not need to be switched to 12/12 to begin flowering. In fact you want to stay at 18/6 for the entire Grow. Another big thing you want to do is pot them in there forever home from the beginning, you do not want to transplant multiple times wasting the precious short growth time. Lastly no high stress training especially topping
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
Autos don't like HST all that much and they tend to feed lesser then there photoperiod counterparts. https://www.autoflower.net/forums/threads/med-man-method-feeding-chart-ppm-ec.47856/ They can also grow smaller and more compact then other photoperiods so good option for compact spaces. They should also not be transplanted as they tend to go into shock and then early flower.
Growstickanswered grow question 2 years ago
An autoflower will switch to flowering on its own without any input from you or the sun, usually around week 4 (depending in the genetics and environment). You just have to keep an eye out for the first signs of flower and then be ready to switch from "veg" to "bloom" nutrients about 2 weeks later, once the stretch has come to an end. Good luck and enjoy!
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
molti ti diranno che un autofiorente è piu delicata ha bisogno di state piu attenti..a me sembrano solo stronzate ogni pianta che sia fem o autofiorente ha bisogno di una fertilizzazione diversa alcune piante ne vogliono di piu altre meno la differenza piu importante sono le tempistiche un autofiorente avra circa 20/25 giorni di fase vegetativa ,in alcuni casi si puo' allungare anche 30/40 giorni ma spesso dipende dalle temperature una fotoperiodica decidi tu quando iniziare la fioritura ora ti consiglio di travasarla in un vaso piu grosso(possibilmente il vaso finale) per dare la possibilita alle radici di espandersi e alla pianta di aumentare le sue dimensioni un autofiorente ha bisogno di un vaso da 11 litri se la vuoi un po' piu piccola da 9 puo' andare
Irishmikeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yes, auto flower will automatically go into flowering after a set amount of time. From my experience transplanting auto flower stuns them and you don't get the full yield you could. Start them in their final container. Also, they don't clone well basically the clone picks up right where the mother was on time so it can't be manipulated by light back into vegation
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