

Desmokstarted grow question 4 years ago
Ho appena visto come dite che ci sono dei piccoli parassiti arancioni sul ramo colpito con lo zoom si possono vedere , non bagno mai le foglie spruzzandole, ho sempre bagnato il vaso e basta ;) potrei provare usando il sapone di Marsiglia??
Week 19
Leaves. Other
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
1 table spoon of bleach to 1 galon of water, and use a pulverizer. Alcohol and water, you can find proportions from 1/9 to 1/1 but its ultimately up to you to choose what you think its best, i would say 1/3 seems like a legit guesswork so if ur going with the alcohol and water u should follow that. And the good ol neem oil, mix with water and spray it. You can also go with "Diatomaceous Earth" Insecticidal soap Azamax Spinosad And if none of the above gets the job done (highly unlikely to not get the job done) you can always go with floramite (only as a last resource terminator type deal)
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Selected By The Grower
Athosanswered grow question 4 years ago
Use neem oil and insectisidal soap, be sure to spray under the leaves too, which is where most pests hide
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
They could be spider mites. They look a bit large for mites but perspective is hard to know if the leaf looks larger than it actually is. Either way, you can use any food insecticides, but you need to use them fast before it becomes an infestation. Rubbing alcohol and water is a long effective home remedy (1:3 solution, I believe but look it up).
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