I'm growing in hydro, too -- doing DWC. I used Advanced Nutrients, and everytime I put B-52 in the mix my roots get a brownish tint to it. I was pretty pissed the first time I saw it, thinking I was fighting root rot. I notice that some nutrients like B-52 and micro nutes tend to discolor roots for a few days. If you let your PPMs drop to about 50-100, the plant will be using the nutrients and you'll start to see them turn white again. I don't recommend that -- but in my experience, I wouldn't worry about a little brown tint. As long as they're not slimy, smelly then you're most likely fine. I aim to keep my reservoir around 60-68 degrees F, but lately with the warm spring here I've had it go up to 71 degrees F. 72 and higher can be bad news for root rot. If you want to really make sure you're protecting your roots, try adding some Hydroguard or Hygrozyme to the mix. They are relatively inexpensive and do a fantastic job! One last thing -- I've noticed that the easiest way for me to "chill" my reservoir water is to just have a ton of air pumping into it. My basement stays about 67 so that maintains the temp for me pretty well. I blast about 500 GPH of air through each bucket (4 airstones each bucket). Your plants look healthy. Maybe humidity is a bit high, which causes DWC plants to turn droopy. The only other reasons I've seen my plants get droopy is if I have a top feed on too much (overwatering) or if there are root problems (root rot). Good luck with the grow!! I'm starting a 60-day lemon, so I'll be watching your grow, brother!