
When to flush the roots before harvest

OnshuGrowstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi, im growing one Royal Cheese Auto, the plant is 7 week old, i know i have to flush the roots 2 week before harvest but this is my first grow and I am not able to understand if flower are ready in 2 week, I would not like to flush too soon
Buds. Other
Roots. Other
Feeding. Other
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks like you have another 6 weeks or more! If you harvest in 2 weeks you'll end up with a small amount of weak flowers. Wait 6 weeks and you'll have 3x the amount AND you will have fantastic flowers. I recommend that you dont flush at all. It's really unnecessary but something growers have done for decades so they just keep doing it. Flush too early, you'll hurt the flowers a lot. Don't flush at all, you will have better tasting flowers and they will be strong.
growingpepinianswered grow question 4 years ago
hi bro! It is way too early to start flushing, the biggest mistake we have done in our first grows was not waiting enough for the buds to explode. You have a pretty long way to go, she seems nice and the buds are on their way to thickening. Flushing is still not a scientifically proven thing, we use to flush a week before harverst tho. Check out our Kali's mistery growth to take a look at how buds will grow more and more. Happy flowering!😃😃😃👍
MangoDuduanswered grow question 4 years ago
The easiest and best way is to buy one jewelers loop , when thricomes are getting cloudy is star to flush and harvest when they are starting going amber. Other way are to ceck wen the buds are forming one main cola, that is nearly the time to flush; other think that new growers should not flush to learn the natural life cicle of the plant but i think you can learn also flushing a little bit early or late.
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