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Severe dehydration. What to do? General advice. Autoflower

Didgerydontstarted grow question 4 years ago
My plant was severly under watered. I left Saturday night and taught the pot felt heavy enough, came back to a horror show Monday. Shes had 24 hours after being rewatered but still looks bad. Any advice for my stupid ass?
Plant. Wilting
Didgerydontanswered grow question 4 years ago
Thanks for all of your answers guys! I have tried foliar feeding with kelp and she got another full watering on Monday morning, some of her seems to have bounced back but the rest of her doesn't look great. Lots of brown parts and she smells a little like hay so Im presuming thats rot settling in. I dont think she is going to make it. Whatever hasn't improved by this time tomorrow will get chopped and if its no better by Friday I'll put her out of her misery. Bad mess up on my part. Lesson learned!
Tango_Hotel_Charlieanswered grow question 4 years ago
do not repeat your mistake, dumb ass, jk. We've all done it. Live and learn. Trim what doesn't bounce back.😀
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blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
give her kelp to help her rebound, she is stress from not getting water to her roots and they need to recover, kelp and water and you will see some improvement with in 3 days of using
SweetKushanswered grow question 4 years ago
Något du också kan göra för att få henne att repa sig är att bladmata med en blomspruta både över och underifrån löven.
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SweetKushanswered grow question 4 years ago
Ge den bara vatten så kommer den återhämta sig, och sen ett bra tips för att varken undervattna eller övervattna är att efter varje vattningstillfälle så låter du jorden torka ut lite känn med ett finger några centimeter ner i jorden är det torrt är det bara ge den vatten. Ett annat sätt att lätt få Hum om när växterna är törstiga är att beräkna vikten på krukorna innan dom fått vatten och efter dom fått vatten. Hoppas dom repar sig!
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Canadamade420answered grow question 4 years ago
Hey try and keep giving her water/nutes, don’t over do it with the watering though as you could kill her. There is still some good green colour so she should be able to bounce back in a few days. Try to not stress her out anymore if at all possible. Hope that helps and hopefully she comes back
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Complicateanswered grow question 4 years ago
Re-water and watch it for life to snap back, if parts are to slow or too brown, might want to cut off, but make sure the other parts are coming back for a few days. If it's already on the verge of being thrown out, try and save it and sprout a new seed!
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