This stage of growth you want gentle light between 200 - 300 ppfd at most. For humiditiy and temp you want to keep your temps fairly low, mid 70's and your relative humidity fairly high, at least 50% if not upwards of 60%. Google "Vapor Pressure Deficit" and use that as a guide because each grow is different. Mold and fungi form at temps above 78°F and humidities above 50% RH. Keeping the two in balance is the goal.
You want a low VPD in early vegetative stage, 0.7 - 1. That requires a high humidity and a low temp.
Here's a general VPD chart, but remember it's general.. Your specific grow will be different. As VPD is a calculation based on ambient humidity and temp and leaf surface temp. So the target moves based on the varience between ambient temp and leaf surface temp. However this is a decent guide to start with.