The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

~~*Autoflower stress = trichomes? TIA*~~

GrowWithTheFlow710started grow question 2 years ago
I hear stress/signs of winter can trigger more trichome production. Have people noticed - does this carry over into the rundernalis Autoflower? If so, what are ways to stress out autoflowers before harvest? I've let my plants get a dry once in flower, but curious what else to do.
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Organic_Ganswered grow question 2 years ago
1. Wasser entziehen für kurze Zeit 2. Defoliation 3. mehr Licht aussetzte. / die Lampe näher an die Pflanzen hängen 4. Dunkelphase vor der Ernte 48h
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Selected By The Grower
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Well I've never heard of stress causing more trich production... sounds a bit weird to me honestly - more like an old wive's tale... and autos don't like stress of any kind. Next grow, use something like Terpinator which really does a marvelous job of producing lots of sticky trichs... Good luck!
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
no matter what the damage is minimal and the impact is minimal (for the most part.. don't go burning your plant with fire, lol, yes that's an anecdotal method out there.) So, have fun experimenting.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
it's a fine line... ppl will do something with no baseline understanding and assume what they did had a positive effect. There are things you can do that will stress the plant and it may cause an increase in trichomes, but that alone is not evidence it is a net-positive effect. RH% is something you can control that can improve trichome production. A little drier and the plant will produce more... at some point it is probably a negative, but early on probably okay. You also have to worry about how this impacts VPD... this is what i mean by ... it may cause a result you want to see but what is the total net impact including whatever damage it did? Without a huge sample to establish a baseline, then testing the hypothesis, i wouldn't believe any anecdotal thing you read.. try it sure, but don't have high expectations. The 48hours of darkness is another. I've heard of tests done with appropriate equipment showed it did increase trichomes, but what did you lose by depriving it of 2 days worth of energy? a marijuana plant will start to shrink, yes shrink, when given less than 20 DLI or there abouts... somewhere below that will be a point where the energy received cannot build new growth faster than rate of decay/death. Simple math. in the end, genetics are what matter, if you can grow a healthy happy plant from seed to finish or at least finish strong after any low-percentage or out-of-our-control hiccup. There is nothing we can do that will turn a pig into a princess or prince. Any effect this stuff will have, if it is truly positive, will be minimal compared to the effort the plant has put into growing flowers for 8-9+ weeks. Rome will not be built in a day.
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