Still got a while to go yet, probably 7-10 weeks depending on your grow set up and the plant. Rather than worrying about flushing, just hold back all fertilizers for the last 10 days or so before you think your plant is ready for harvest. Also, try leaving all healthy leaves on your plant. They are making the energy your plant needs to grow its biggest flowers. Less healthy leaves = less energy made = smaller flowers/plants. The only leaves that need to be removed are ones that have gone yellow, because by this time they have served their purpose. When you cut off healthy green leaves, your plants first "instinct" is to grow new leaves to get back to being able to make energy. The energy the plant uses to replace the healthy green leaf that was cut off requires much energy, energy that it could be better utilised to grow overall, had the healthy green leaf not been cut off in the first place! That is, energy to grow overall, or energy to re-grow another healthy green leaf to replace the healthy green leaf that was cut off. Same when your plant is flowering, those big leaves are "solar panels" providing your plant with energy to grow her biggest flowers. Removing healthy leaves means less energy produced means smaller flowers. Good luck and happy growing! Hope this helps .... Organoman. 😎