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Tormenta fuerte granizo tallo quebrado

power88started grow question 4 years ago
La planta sigue un poco decaída el tallo se ve que se dañó bastante, la metí adentro de un indoor y le puse tierra hasta el primer cotileidon, le saque unas hojas bajas que se decayeron y se estaban secando, no sé que más hacer? Pobre planta la agarro la tormenta y la piedra
Week 2
Other. Other
Plant. Twisted
Setup. Outdoor
power88answered grow question 4 years ago
gracias por responder, la planta la paso muy mal pero ahora se recupero la metí en una conservadora osea lugar con mucha humedad ambiente y las hojas empezaron a levantarse gracias a 2 días de indoor dio como resultado que las hojas absorban la humedad y no por las raíces que tenían el tallo principal roto. En pocas palabras la trate como si fuese un esqueje.
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
She might not recover, after all the stress she has been put thru, and if a plant is recovering don't go and take its leaves out mate, specially at that young age, if she didn't need those leaves to recover she would have just dropped them or simply pulled everything she needed from those leaves, sucking them dry of nutes and pulling all of that energy extracted from lower leaves to invest in the development at the top, she was trying to recover but you took away its snack (the leaves), i wouldn't keep too much hope on that plant but i would give it a try to see if she recovers side by side with a new one, if the new one surpasses this one then u just keep the new one. Meanwhile you are giving this plant a chance to recover. Stay lit growmie. Buena suerte.
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Platinouuuanswered grow question 4 years ago
Dejala tranquilita que ella se recupera pronto, atención y cuidarla. Estará bien!
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