
Is a flush even worth it

Igrowneilstarted grow question 4 years ago
Should I flush or not ? Is there seince to suggest this Is a benefit and does affect smoke or is it a visual finish that people aim to acquire, my girls are all 9 weeks 4 days and I don't know weather to start a flush or feed them for maximum yeild
Week 9
Other. Other
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
Feeding. Other
Belleandthebeastanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi how are you maybe we can talk about weed and maybe we can Exchange info and tips ?
Fredddanswered grow question 4 years ago
Speaking from personal experience, I found no difference at all with flushing or not flushing.
undrcvr_europeanswered grow question 4 years ago
Another interesting link from the depths of my favoutrites haha
undrcvr_europeanswered grow question 4 years ago
I grow organic (Biobizz) and never tasted a difference. All believe flushing is necessary for the taste - I don´t believe it. I guess it´s only necessary with nute lock or oversalting of the soil. Here is a study from rxgreentech - well the are a producer of nutes but still interesting.
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
Flushing has been shown to have no notable difference from not flushing except that people (in one study) said that the unflushed bud tasted better. There was no noticeable difference in smoke, ash, or effect. Flushing too early on the other hand, could have devastating consequences for your final product. Instead of Flushing, I recommend just dialing nutes back to half or even a quarter in the final weeks when it is ripening. They don't use many nutrients when they're in this phase anyway.
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NorthernFrostCannabisanswered grow question 4 years ago
Flushing... I will list some points that not only challenge the absurd impracticality and illogicality of this myth, but point out how the pseudoscience behind it is fundamentally flawed (as is all pseudoscience) and can be countered by what is known about basic plant biology. 1. Robbing plants of essential nutrients at any stage of their life cycle is NOT beneficial for growth. I challenge anyone to provide a single peer reviewed paper from a reputable journal that provides evidence suggesting otherwise. 2. If this was practical, wouldn’t you expect all big agricultural hydroponic growers adopt the same practice? 3. Plants take minerals into their tissues, from their roots via the treachery elements; i.e. xylem. Once these minerals are in the plant, they are there to stay, the plant does not expel them, unless it’s through senescence-driven abscission of leaf petioles. From the treachery elements nutrients are translocated into the phloem - the plant’s ‘blood supply’ - after being integrated into various biomolecules, or are used for various metabolic functions. Where is the logic in thinking the plant ‘uses’ these up in that last week of flushing, in order to avoid smoking them? All the N P K Fe Mg Ca etc. is still there. 4. For arguments sake say we counter the last point by suggesting these minerals in their ‘raw form’ will taste ‘hasher’ or ‘nastier’ in the form of pyrolytic breakdown products (formed when weed is burned) than artifacts of larger biomolecules of which these minerals/macro nutrients are now a part of, for example phosphorylated PO43-. Even if this was the case it still doesn’t correlate with the myth, as the transports steam in the treachery elements is measured in minutes not a week. i.e. a PO43- molecule does not wait around in these vessels for a week before subsequent translocation and modification. 5. If there was any truth to this myth, then plants grown in soil would always taste worse than plants grown in hydro. Why? Because obviously soil is not an inert medium you can flush for a week. And a plant CANNOT distinguish between a PO43- molecule that comes from soil from that of a PO43- molecule that comes from hydro solution (which also debunks another myth, but we’ll leave that one). 6. Are there studies that have conducted double blind trials to investigate if flushed weed tastes any ‘sweeter’ than unflushed weed. Again, need peer reviewed papers. And doesn’t have to be weed, can be strawberries or any other type of fruit. 7. What is the proposed mechanism to support this myth, and how is it consistent with fundamental plant biology. 8. How does starving the plant of food in the last week increase thc production in the trichome? Papers? 9. Given, under certain conditions stressed plants upregulate certain defence compounds, but they will almost certainly produce less inflorescence weight per watt of light. Growth is always retarded under stress - not promoted. Nutrient starvation is a form of stress. Looking for peer reviewed papers that suggest otherwise. Those of you set in your ways, each to their own and best of luck to you. Those who are willing to change their views in light of new evidence, or lack thereof, be ready for increased yields by feeding those hungry ladies right up until the second you chop.
Igrowneilanswered grow question 4 years ago
GHE MICRO AND RIPEN not organic nutes , I've had this debate time and time again and I really can't tell the difference thoe it does look really good seeing the different colours the plants take on
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StickyGreenThumbsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes if your using synthetic nuts. And no if your growing organic. Flushing simply makes ther plant use up the sugars in the plants so you get a smoother smoke and not a harsh taste from the sugars burning. But in either case it really comes down to personal preference.
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