The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

DIY humidity dome.

Homegrown76started grow question 4 years ago
Skunk Hero seed is in the soil. I have a DIY humidity dome made from a gallon water jug. I'm a huge fan of using repurposed things or just DIY in general. I have a seedling heating pad underneath for warmth and to produce needed humidity. Stay tuned for regular updates.
Other. Other
Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi ! Mag ik hierop reageren?🙂 Dit word vaak gebruikt om een hoge luchtvochtigheid te creëren. Dit is oke zolang de zaden nog niet uitgekomen zijn, maar wanneer ze met hun eerste worteltje in de grond zitten niet meer. Anders dan stekjes die nog moeten wortelen hebben zaailingen vanaf het moment van ontkiemen dus al meteen een mooi worteltje om water uit de grond mee op te zuigen. Zaailingen hebben geen zeer hoge luchtvochtigheid nodig dus verwijder de doe-het-zelf koepel zodra de zaden uitgekomen zijn. Ze hebben ook echt wel nood aan zuurstof.
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Selected By The Grower
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 4 years ago
I agree with Organoman 100% take the domes off let your seedlings breath.. I answered another as follows "Takes the domes off. Seedlings don't need these all 8 of my seedlings right now are in 45% RH with 25 celcius temp, not "ideal" but in no way harmful to my plants.. Over humidity is really bad for seedlings. Seedlings need to transpire to grow.. Transpiration is such a vital process to growth.. When you make the top area just as humid as the bottom area the osmotic pressure is off. Think of a siphon like action.. By having so much moisture up top your plant doesn't absorb the required moisture from down below."
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Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Unless you are intending to cook your baby, please remove the sweat lodge contraption (humidity dome). Seeds or cannabis does not need enhanced humidity, unless they are cuttings/clones without roots. High humidity can lead to the very real risk of fungus and mould breeding in huge quantities and having your seed for breakfast. Seeds need moist and dark conditions to germinate, with a good oxygen supply being the final prerequisite. Your " humidity dome" is preventing your seed from accessing fresh oxygen as well as creating an overly wet atmosphere and combined with your heat mat, is the perfect habitat for fungus and mould. For some reason, a lot of people seem to think cannabis is a rain forest plant, which is completely misguided. Most cannabis indica plants originated in Pakistan, Afghanistan and the arid lowlands of India/sub continent, hence the "indica" scientific name, and this region of the world is mostly hot, dry and arid climates, with virtually zero humidity. Tropical sativas come from "temperate" climates, meaning a wet monsoon season with a mostly dry and hot climate, again, with very little humidity during the growing season. None of cannabis' natural growing season and environment is humid. I think hippies got confused in the sixties when strains from Vietnam and Thailand began appearing on the market. All anyone really (thought they) knew about these places was from movies, depicting jungles, so they assumed their "pot" grew in jungles too, without ever fully understanding that the "pot" came from lowland arid agricultural lands where rain is scarce during the growing seasons. The rice paddies should have been a clue, saving water from the monsoon season due to the rest of the year being hot and dry. Perhaps it was more "exotic" or "intriguing" to think their pot came from wild jungles in far away lands, but nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, this fantasy/myth of cannabis coming from exotic jungles still persists, despite the information being available to anyone who would care to look and ask questions, and the misconception that cannabis likes/needs high humidity is still a widely held belief. A bit like the tooth fairy - why let the facts get in the way of a good storey? Where I live, summers are extremely hot and dry, with temps well over 40 degrees Celsius often and without rain for months, at times. Cannabis thrives in this environment, my particular region having the reputation as producing some of the finest flowers in the country. Humidity? Less than 50% for the entire outdoor growing season. Whimpy plants? No way, in full sun all day every day, right from when they sprout. Cannabis has evolved to produce trichomes as a defence against heat killing the embryo within the calyx. Hot and dry conditions stimulate resin production. High humidity produces sappy plants prone to mould and fungus and with incomplete cannabinoids. Cannabis thrives in hot dry conditions, it has been doing so for Millenia. Seeds do not need artificial levels of increased humidity to germinate, only fungus and moulds do. Let your seeds breathe, they need to. Hope this helps, even remotely,..... Organoman.
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Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I do same thing with 2liter tops. I also do 24 hours water then plant and dome till husk falls off. Then remove dome. Usually have sprout 2 to 4 days into dome. Husk gone in a day or two after. Good luck and happy growing. This Method works great. 🌲🌲🌲👊
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