
Mid Flower Deficiency in Middle of the Room Only?

RemedyHarveststarted grow question 3 years ago
I have a deficiency, is it Calcium, nutrient lockout, or low PH? I did test the PH on some of the middle plants and they do seem a little low. It seems to be only happening to the plants in the middle of the room which is weird, plants on the outside seem healthy.
Week 5
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 3 years ago
Also if you're using led lights and/or coco you're going to get some calcium defeciency at some point. The middle plant might get it first because she's receiving the highest light intensity. 🌱👍
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Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Plants in middle of room are likely recieving more light therefore process water and nutrients faster. I know in my experience when my substrate gets dryer as plants use what they need the ph starts dropping. You are probably crossing the line on lockout on certain nutrition. It's there just cant be absorbed. Fix the ph in soil and I would image you will be smooth sailing again. Good luck and happy growing 🌲🌲🌲👊
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